Disney side, The Adventures of the SAHM Princess: Part I



Oh how a long for the day that Disney releases a movie about a SAHM princess. It could happen! And if it did, it would go a little something like this….

Once upon a time there was this beautiful, kind, funny, gracious, and extremely modest SAHM Princess.  She had 3 lovely children who always listened to her (even I couldn’t keep a straight face when I typed that). She was an amazing mom blogger, had fierce fashion sense, and was a maven in the kitchen…cooking up gourmet meals & bake sale treats that had all the other moms drooling (hey, it’s my fairy tale!). Well, one day this princess received an email stating she had been selected to host a Disney side party!!  The first thing she did was break into a beautiful song about how grateful & excited she was, she did not jump up & down on the couch Tom Cruise style because that is something princesses don’t do (she totally did that!) and she did not attempt to do the Macarena while jumping on said couch (yep, did that too!). The Princess then carried on with her chores, Cinderella style for days & nights waiting patiently for the Disney side package to arrive. Days became weeks and she started to grow weary and even momentarily feared that the package may have been taken by 7 dwarfs, the townspeople, or worse, the evil sea witch!! (Okay, so maybe not the sea witch, I live nowhere near the sea…I admit, that’s a stretch). And then finally, just when she had almost rid herself of all hope, the package arrived!! And she danced around the room with it for 10 minutes (not really, that sucker was heavy!!!) and sang another song about how waiting makes the absence grow fonder, or something like that…who care? OPEN the BOX!!! And so she gathered the children…Wendy, Peter, & Pan and they opened the box!


Stay tune for Part II and see what happens to SAHM Princess when the Prince arrives home during party preparations (spoiler alert…there could be words in the form of a beautiful song or yelling) and see how a classy Princess handles burnt baked goods without adorable little mice friends  & a Fairy Godmother to help.

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