Teenager Coats vs Mom Coats

So let me get this straight, you will wear a hoodie and sweatpants to mow the lawn when it’s 90 degrees but a coat is out of the question when it’s 28 degrees? Me trying to wrap my head around my teenagers’ logic when it comes to personal climate control. If this sounds familiar then I have some good news. 

There is a middle ground parents! After much going back and forth, I finally arrived at an agreement with my teenagers. It turns out the goal of the current teenage style trend is to look like you really don’t care that much…can I just say I have never watched someone put so much effort into not caring, I’m just say! So without further ado, here are the jackets and coats my teenagers agreed to, here are the jackets coats that meet my minimum requirement as a mom and their teenage fashion style….

Then there’s the mom style! I personally want every inch of skin covered, I hate being cold. If they made a buff coat with a train I’d be all over that! I want a coat that covers my bum, has a hoodie, and hides stains, because let’s be honest, mom’s coat comes last, I’m lucky if I clean my coat once a season…am I right moms?! Also, I purchase a coat for myself about once every 6 years so I am investing in a nice coat that will meet all my mom’s life needs. I need a coat that can rock blizzard-like weather while I’m trying to navigate a cart with my bi-weekly Costco haul through the Costco parking lot. I need a coat that can withstand me getting taken out by a sled or two on our annual sledding expedition! I need a coat with pockets to shove weird crap that only mom’s pockets see…like half-eaten food, dirty tissues, and random garbage strange children just hand me because I am a mom and we are the people kids give those things to! I need a coat that can withstand the wind beating against my body while I pump gas. Here she is, this will be my companion on my winter mom journey for at least the next 5 years, aint she a beaut! 

This was the runner-up! I’m in love with the style, it actually has a more fashion flare but it was ultimately the hood that sold me on the other one.

Do you struggle to get your teens to wear layers in the winter yet they’ll wear hoodies in the summer? How about you, what do you look for in a coat?

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