How To Safely Go Off-Roading With Children

Numerous family road trips occur throughout the year that takes people to faraway places and immerse them in nature. Families who go off-roading will find the time spent in nature and away from the road, embarking on a journey filled with fun and memorable moments. But for the kids that tag along, safety will be a top priority, and these tips will help keep your young ones safe.

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Do Pore Strips Actually Remove Blackheads?

Quick and dirty skincare hacks are essential for moms who want clear skin but don’t have the time to do a 12-step skincare routine twice a day. And because blackheads can take months to disappear on their own, what better hack to use than pore strips? While these cleanser strips met the peak of their popularity around five years ago, they’ve recently come into controversy. That makes the average cosmetic user wonder, do pores strips actually remove blackheads?

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Unique Ways To Celebrate the Holidays as a Family

It seems that holidays are becoming more about commercial opportunities and what we can buy than spending time with our families and loved ones. While physical gifts hold a place in many holiday celebrations, holidays are about time spent together. If you’re trying to think of ways that you and your family can spend time together during the holidays, we have some fun ideas. Keep reading to learn about some unique ways to celebrate the holidays as a family.

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Tips for Keeping Your Baby Comfy in the Nursery

Your baby’s comfort and security in the nursery depending on more than smart design choices. There’s a lot you can do to soothe and relax your baby, which will improve their well-being and help form good sleeping habits. Follow these tips for keeping your baby comfy in the nursery.

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3 Effective Ways To Soothe Your Teething Baby

If you are struggling through long days and sleepless nights while your sweet little baby is teething, you are not alone. Parents everywhere deal with the often frustrating process of teething. Fortunately, there are methods to keep your child comfortable during this time. Here are three effective ways to soothe your teething baby.

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These 6 Tips Will Help You Keep Your Aquarium Spotless

Aquariums are a beautiful addition to any home, but they require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. If you’re not sure how to clean an aquarium, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we will discuss six tips for keeping your aquarium clean and sparkling. Your fish will thank you if you follow these suggestions!

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How To Get Picky Kids To Eat New Foods

Some kids are naturally fussy eaters. No matter how hard you try to convince them to eat their broccoli, they don’t want to play ball. 

Picky eaters can be stressful, though. You constantly feel like you have to adapt mealtimes to them. They don’t want to follow your lead at all. 

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What Are Good Types of Clothing For a Baby?

Baby clothing terminology can be a little confusing because there are so many distinct terms. You can buy several types of clothing for your baby, depending on the season. For instance, if your child is born in spring, you should purchase waterproof outerwear made of plastic or rubber. Cotton will keep them warm in colder weather, but it tends to hold water and not dry quickly. Wool is a better choice for inner layers because it absorbs water and keeps your baby warm.

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Divorce on the Table?

Let me preface this by saying, I have always admired and vastly appreciated the community on this blog, the ability to allow moms/parents to state their opinions freely and without cause for ridicule or strict judgment has always made this space a special one. There are not many communities like us left…communities where we listen to one another, perhaps have opposite viewpoints but are still genuinely respectful to one another. Please know that your maturity, intellect, kindness, and compassion for your fellow man, including myself are much appreciated. Here we CONNECT…it doesn’t matter your religion, political stance, or who your partner is, we’ve reached common, compassionate ground and for that I THANK YOU. Thank you for allowing me to share my story freely. Likewise if ever any one of you wish to share your story please email,

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