What does a mom do with all her free time once her kids are in school?

Finally the answer to the question man has been longing for since the beginning of time! What does a mom do with all her free time once her kids are in school?

This post is dedicated to all those dear souls, who since the beginning of time have so desperately wondered just what it is that moms do once all their kids are in school. I suppose we have managed to keep up the charade long enough, it is time to reveal the wizard, so-to-speak. I am officially pulling back the curtain and exposing one of the deepest secrets of all time. I am almost certain this post will permanently ban me from any future meetings of the, Private Moms’ Society, better known as PMS, but y’all are worth it. You deserve to know the truth!!

The following is a true story, a story about a Mid-West mother who embarks on one of the hugest milestones of motherhood yet, the dropping off of all her children at school, even the youngest. Just what is it that she will be doing all day? Here is her story in her own words, we beginning in the dining room of her West Toledo home where breakfast is underway.


This morning my momma heart was firing off a multitude of emotions; excitement, apprehension, joy, sadness, etc. I needed to calm my emotions and re-center my heart so I could be a sounding board for my Kindergartener on her first day of school. And there is nothing on this earth that can calm this momma’s heart faster than my Holy Mother. So, in order to calm everyone’s nerves we said a few Hail Mary(s) over our waffles. We prayed that God send down his angels to watch over everyone today and then I packed up my heart and soul and drove it over to school.  



Making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Elizabeth Stone

As I walked my youngest into her Kindergarten classroom I could feel the lump forming in the back of my throat. Then my allergies must have flared up because my nose started running. As I looked down at my Kindergartener my eyes went blurry and my vision was officially obscured because all I could see was a newborn, how am I supposed to drop her off? My epidural hasn’t even worn off yet?

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss

As I made that long lonely journey back to the car my heart took an unexpected detour. I wiped away the tears and smiled. I came to the realization that I should not be sad because a chapter has ended but happy because it happened. How blessed I am to have had the opportunity to first of all, have children, and secondly, healthy children, and to have been able to stay at home with them, I decided right then and there that I shall count my blessings.

“Every positive thing in your life represents a single unique blessing. Every negative thing in your life has the opportunity to become a double blessing. For when you turn a negative into a positive, you gain twice. You are no longer burdened with the negative situation, and in addition to that you are strengthened by a new positive force”. Ralph Marston

Refreshed with a new take on this glorious day I celebrated this new chapter by doing something I haven’t done in ages, I tuned the radio WAY up and sang at the top of my lungs. The only thing bigger than my voice was my smile, I had been focusing so long on having to say goodbye to the past that I forgot to welcome and rejoice in the future.

“The future starts today, not tomorrow”. Pope John Paul II

Once home I did something I haven’t done in 11 years, I worked out with NO interruptions! Turns out you can work up quite a sweat when you complete the entire session. I might actually get fit and toned this year, MIGHT! 😉



Then, while still feeling the effects of those natural endorphins, (I was seriously on cloud nine, and ready to conquer the world) I decided to make a list of all the things I would accomplish this school year, I made my 2016-2017 School Year Resolutions! (I will be addressing this more in next week’s post). And then I spent a couple hours working…writing some articles, catching up on potential projects, etc.

After that I started to feel a bit light headed. Turned out it was past lunch time, weird, without a little one to tell me their tummy was hungry I totally didn’t realize mine was, lol!


Lunch; let me tell you, I forgot what it felt like to actually taste, chew, and finish a meal without getting up. I felt like a Queen! Lol!

After lunch I decided to channel my inner Martha and baked some cookies for the kiddos to have as an after school snack.


“Now that the children are in school I can finally be the mom I have always longed to be…I have more patience, I can recollect words and complete entire thoughts, I bake, and my house is clean, why I am just a modern day June Cleaver, lol!” -Kat-

I have to be honest, those 6 hours kind off passed quickly once I had a new outlook on this Chapter in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I did miss hearing the giggles coming from the other room, the multitude of princess wardrobe changes throughout the day, and the random snuggles. But my head has almost entirely come to terms with this new chapter, now my heart is a different story, it is going to need much more time to get used to this transition.

Well, there you have it folks, now we know just what it is that a mom does with all her free time once her kids are in school. Juicy stuff, lol!

How was your back-to-school transition this year?

Discounted Photo Books!! Eeeek! (Promo code included)

We have had an absolute BLAST this summer! All our travels, road trips, all the amazing people we have had the opportunity & pleasure to meet, delicious foods we have eaten, and magnificent time together as a family deserves to be commemorated and treasured for always! I have the best intentions of one day printing off all those pictures and scrapbooking our adventures. But in the meantime, before we retire yet another computer before printing off all the pictures (true story, we are going on computer #3) I am going to get by with a little help from AdoramaPix!


AdoramaPix helps people turn their digital photographs from abstract computer files into beautiful keepsakes designed to last a lifetime. Their custom photo books display captured memories in rich color and vibrant detail.


Thick, durable, professional grade photo paper resists fading & ensures that your photos will be just as colorful for future generations. The binding is lay-flat, so even panoramic images can splash across two pages without any separation (I am envisioning a sweet Panoramic pic of the family in Lake Michigan). Memories deserve to live in a stylish, archival home with AdoramaPix photo books.


Shop NOW: http://www.adoramapix.com/app/customize-book/

And I am totally sharing this sweet promo with y’all!!15% off photo books. Use code: PhotoBook15. Sale ends 11/05/2016 11:59 PM EST

I know it seems too early to be thinking about Christmas but just imagine how awesome it would be if you already had some of your Christmas shopping completed before October, WHAT!?! Photo books make awesome grandparent gifts as well as gifts for the kiddos!! (My kiddos so enjoy looking at pics of themselves…not sure what that says about them as people, but, at least I know they will enjoy the photo book).:)

Alright, I am off to work on my photo book….just need to find some sappy music & tissues, possibly a glass of wine, this could get emotional. Why must time go by so fast? WHY!?! (sniffle sniffle)  I will totally be sharing mine once it arrives, please feel free to do the same!

Cheers, to commemorating memories!! (And holding back the tears).


10 Reasons Why Franklin Park Mall is the Best Place for Moms to Shop (Includes $50 Giveaway!)

I met up with some other moms and their kids at the park the other day. The moms discussed the latest happenings in their lives while the kiddos played on the playground. I shared that I had just taken the kiddos back-to-school shopping at Franklin Park Mall, and let me tell you, if looks could kill. Lol! The other moms were all stunned. What’s more, when I told them I finished ALL our back-to-school clothing shopping at the mall, in one day, and saved money, their jaws dropped. I continued and explained that the mall has really evolved and made some awesome accommodations for us moms! So look out mall rats the mall moms are taking back Franklin Park Mall! We are coming with kids in tow, toddlers and tweens, diaper bags swung over the shoulder, we are baby wearing, double stroller pushing, breastfeeding, and ready to shop!!!


10 Reasons Why Franklin Park Mall is the Best Place for Moms to Shop

  1. Best variety of stores in Town– I adore the fact that it doesn’t matter what the occasion, or your budget; there is a store in the mall that will meet your need.  Mall17Need a gift for that kid’s birthday party that starts in two hours? Disney Store to the rescue! Mall2Did your child’s sandal just literally break while walking through the mall (true story)? The solution is a piggyback ride to Payless! Entering the 2nd trimester and your pants are getting snug? Destination Maternity has you covered momma! And you might want to stop off at Godiva Chocolatier to curb those cravings. Did your child decide to reclaim the coin they just threw in the fountain? Bath & Body Works has Hand Sanitizers to attack those germs! Mall3Looking to ramp up your culinary skills? William Sonoma offers classes and everything you need to make your kitchen into a chef’s dream come true! And there are SO many more stores, Click Here for Mall Directory.
  2. Moms don’t have to cook, do the dishes, or break the bank!!!- Franklin Park Mall has food that’ll tantalize the taste buds and price points that meet every budget. Mall34Whether you are meeting up with other mommas, dinning with the kiddos, looking for a quick bite, or want to linger a bit longer with friends Franklin Park Mall food court and restaurants have you covered! Mall22We opted to celebrate the occasion of back-to-school shopping with lunch at Bravo! Mall11Mall12(I am a fan of their kids’ menu; they have the usual suspects like chicken fingers and pizza but also offer healthier options too….and for me it just doesn’t get any better than their salmon salad!!)Mall13 Click Here for a Directory of Restaurants.
  3. Deals, Deals, & More Deals!!!- Oh my gosh… I am blown away by all the great deals that not only the individual stores offer, but the mall too! Mall36Franklin Park Mall now offers a Mall-wide rewards program called, Oh, So Simple Rewards. And like it says, it is oh, so simple, to register. You simply enter an email at a sign-up kiosk, swipe the credit card or debit card that you will be using to make purchases, shop, dine, see a movie, etc. Then for every $250 spent on that card $10 gets put back automatically on your card! Winning!Mall16 (And it adds up fast….just think, a date night, dinner, movie, movie with the kids, kid’s birthday party at Build a Bear, back-to-school shopping, shoes, shoes, & more shoes!! Means money back on your card ;))Mall
  4. Moms can get their workout in while they shop! – After a day at the mall my legs felt so toned. I didn’t even need to work out the next morning. Best part, you can just meet up with friends and stroll the mall then grab a coffee (Coffee Karma is opening soon!) or lunch, you don’t have to shop (can’t believe my fingers just typed those words, lol!).
  5. It never rains or snows inside the climate controlled environment– Don’t get me wrong those “other” places are nice too (the one in Maumee and the other in Perrysburg) but what I really like about the mall is that I don’t have to come in contact with all the elements outside each time I enter and exit a store. Mall14And as a mom with 3 kiddos there is nothing more annoying than having to put on ALL the winter stuff, mittens, scarves, hats, and coats to leave a store just to have them take it all off when they enter the next store…rinse and repeat!! FYI, if you are looking for a cute umbrella JCPenney had these adorable gems.Mall21
  6. Family Lounge & Nursing Moms’ Quarters– Franklin Park Mall offers a clean, safe, and comfortable environment for nursing moms and moms with little ones. Mall31The family lounge has tactile boards to engage preschoolers and toddlers while mom tends to the baby. Curtains are even available for those moms who wish to be more modest, otherwise there is a comfortable sofa and television.
  7. Awesome Community Events– Franklin Parks Mall partners with the Girl Scouts for their annual Lock In. Has, My Buddy, My Books, where children enjoy book readings by local celebrities, including Muddy the Mud Hen and there are crafts, entertainment, giveaways, and more! Summer Play Days at the Disney Store. My kiddos have so enjoyed the $1 Summer Movie Clubhouse features. And there is so much more, click here to see all the cool events going on at Franklin Park Mall.
  8. Gumballs & Fountain– No matter what you call it, rewarding good behavior, bribing, etc. it works!Mall33 I was shocked how fast my son tried on a shirt once I said he could have a gumball afterward. Mind you, I forgot to clarify that he had to take off the shirt he had on first, lol! Mall6And the Fountain is also another great incentive and the best part; the donations go to the conservation projects at the zoo!
  9. Parking Garages– This one is self-explanatory, but SO awesome! Franklin Park Mall has two parking garages making parking a breeze, which is much appreciated when you have little ones in tow. Added bonus, if you are lucky enough to snag one of the parking spots below you can continue to avoid the elements, i.e. rain and snow.
  10. Toledo Proud– Now there is a store in the mall where you can get  all your Toledo fan paraphernalia, Toledo Rockets, Toledo Mud Hens, & Toledo Walleye (latter two are coming soon)!! Mall1We had to get the little lady a Toledo Rockets Shirt (while on vacation each kiddos was allowed to pick out a shirt but she wanted her shirts to say Toledo, not Grand Haven, lol!).

Guess where all of us mommas are meeting up next week?


Enter to win $50 to Franklin Park Mall!!!

To enter simply comment below and share what you like most about Franklin Park Mall. Also, I would advise following Franklin Park Mall on Facebook for up-to-date events going on and/or enter to receive texts on deals (they don’t bombard you with texts).

Winner will be randomly selected August 10th at 11:59pm. Good luck! And happy Back-to-school shopping!!
