What will your Fairy Godmother be turning you into at midnight? New Year’s Eve Resolutions

What will your Fairy Godmother be turning you into at midnight? New Year’s Eve is like a reverse Cinderella Story. Instead of the magic ending at the stroke of midnight, it’s when it begins, or at least that’s the farce we sell ourselves when making resolutions.  Suddenly at midnight on New Year’s Eve, a mom who is exhausted from her day-to-day commitments and obligations is going to be granted a myriad amount of energy to hit the gym after work daily. And that busy dad that’s been meaning to finish that project will suddenly be granted more time. And that young girl trying desperately to curb her sugar intake is going to suddenly crave broccoli. These resolutions are as practical as a Fairy Godmother waving a wand. We are not going to suddenly become new people at the stroke of midnight and be granted the energy, time, and willpower we’ve always longed for. The biggest indicator of future behavior is past behavior. If we want to change our behavior we must change our habits. In order to change our habits we must stop making excuses for ourselves. And that starts by evaluating where we are right now.

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3 Dumpsters Later and I’m Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle

Where do you invest your time? Stephen Covey said, “ The key is in not spending time, but investing it,” and the lyrics from one of my favorite Mumford and Sons songs state, “Where you invest your love, you invest your life”. What do these two quotes have in common? Each uses the term invest, as the term most of us correlate with monetary value. We learn from a young age that it is wise to invest money responsibly, but what about our time? This past year I became cognizant of the fact that the most valuable resource in my life is my time. The journey to this realization was the most treacherous journey of my life. It all began at the end, the end of a marriage, and the beginning of the divorce process. 

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Proven ways to get toned and fit

People are more aware of their health and lifestyles than ever before. They want to be fit and healthy, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right way to be so. Apart from simple exercise, there are many other factors that people should also look at from time to time. You need to change a ton of habits in order to stay fit and toned. There are many ways that one can explore to incorporate a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s have a look at some of them

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The Benefits of Installing a Greenhouse in Your Backyard

You walk into your gorgeous backyard full of lovely landscaping, bountiful trees, and sweet blooming flowers. But something’s missing.

If you have a green thumb and want to grow more in your garden, you should consider adding a greenhouse to your backyard oasis. Read more to learn about the amazing benefits of installing a greenhouse at your home!

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What to Know About Filing For Divorce in Different States

When it comes to divorce, there are a lot of things that each party has to know before the divorce is filed, throughout the divorce process, and when the divorce is finalized. Unfortunately, every divorce has the potential to be more complicated depending on various factors. One of the factors involves which state the couple is filing for divorce in. Consider the following things that every couple should know about filing for divorce in different states.

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