Don’t have time to be sick? Autophagy is the answer. 

Why do we eat three meals a day, especially when we mostly live sedentary lifestyles? Why are we told to snack throughout the day and that 6 small meals might be better? Why is breakfast the most important meal? Why, why, why? If you hadn’t guessed, I was that inquisitive child that always annoyed her parents with endless questions. To be fair it might partially be my parents’ fault, they raised us to always ask questions, to seek knowledge, and ultimately, truth. Thus, four years ago I set out on a pursuit to find the answers to my many questions regarding diet and health and I’m thankful I did. Little did I know back then where I’d be now and how much my research would help me. So, where am I now?

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Three Things You Can Do To Look After The Health Of Your Family

When it comes to the health of your family, it’s important that you are doing everything in your power to keep them in the best condition possible. Of course, it’s not always going to be easy as your kids are getting older and becoming more independent, but you can still do your best. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at three of the things that you can do to look after the health of your family. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

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Things to Consider When Appointing a Guardian for Your Child

Thinking about guardianship is not usually enjoyable. The truth is that appointing a guardian means thinking of a worst-case scenario, and a time when your children may not be with you. Guardians may even be appointed if you were to die while still bringing up your child. It is, however, a very good idea to think about this and consider who will do the best job of raising your kids if you are no longer able.

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5 Things To Contemplate When Buying Used Cars

Buying a new car can be expensive, which is why people opt for used ones. However, you may be skeptical of whether a used car will give you service for a long time. Here are a few tips that you can use when buying used cars:

Examine Both the Interior and Exterior

Start with the exterior by checking for dents, scratches, and rust. If they are minor and insignificant, you can get the car. However, if you can spot them at a distance, that automatically becomes a red flag. Also, ensure that the body panels are aligned evenly. If they are not, the car might have been in an accident. For the interior, inspect the seats and look for wear and tear on the upholstery.

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