Mom on the go in Holy Toledo’s Moms Night Out Event for March!!

I’m beyond ecstatic to get this Moms Night Out on our calendar!! As many of you know our household is in the process of transitioning to a Minimalist Household. We have already made the transition in our kitchen with removing all upper cabinets, in our dining room by removing all furniture except our table and chairs, & in our living room we only have a sectional and ottoman and that’s it! Omg, it is so liberating having space and not a bunch of stuff! However, as I learned this Christmas, not having any surface to display items is kinda a bummer when it comes to holiday décor. The solution, we needed to take more advantage of our wall space.  And I don’t know about you but I’m head-over-heels when it comes to wooden display boards, especially custom ones!!!

Have y’all ever been to Board & Brush? It’s legit the BEST; you get to custom design your own board!! So, there’s a variety of DIY project options you can select from ahead of time. The hardest part might be narrowing it down, check it, here’s just a few you can chose from…

Once you’ve decided on one & registered the day of the vent all your “goodies” for your board will be prepped and ready for you….you don’t have to be artists at all, trust me 😉 and there’s always someone there to help you along the way. Oh, and best part, you can bring in your own snacks, drink, and adult beverages are available for purchase while you’re there…its legit a fabulous & fun way to spend an evening with your friends and you get an awesome custom piece made by you to take home! Winning!


Click on link for ALL the deets & to register!

So what are you waiting for? I’m posting this WAY in advance for a few reasons….

This will fill up FAST!!


You deserve a kid-free night out, to have some fun, to create, and nosh & sip with your BFF, your Mom, sister, SIL, etc. or just come hang with ME!! ❤️ Share this with that/those amazing ladies in your life who you’d love the opportunity to hang with for the evening…all the work has been done for you, all you have to do is register & show up!😉

Attire & vibes for the evening are chill. I’m so looking forward to spending the evening with you amazing mommas and seeing what projects everyone picks!!

Cheers to us & an epic MNO event, loves!! 😘

Mom’s on Laundry Strike! Good luck fam!

Crap! Darn it!! NO! I did it again! I fell asleep.  See, I recorded a show over a month ago and have been desperately attempting to watch it every night for the past week once the kiddos were in bed. But it never fails, as soon as I settle into the couch, cozy up with the throw, & hit play, my eyes get heavy. Then I’m usually startled awake by the dog barking to go out one last time for the night. But this night was different; it wasn’t the dog, but my son who startled me to consciousness. He was stomping on EVERY SINGLE STEP as he came down the stairs & declared, “Mom, I NEED this sweatshirt for school tomorrow & I just realized there’s food on the sleeves!”  The response in my head went something like this….”Screw that, son, I just did 5 loads of laundry today, if you need it washed then go grab your washboard & head on down to the Maumee River! I done labored, birthed you, taught you how to crap in the toilet, walk, read, etc. I JUST WANT TO WATCH MY SHOW & THEN GO TO BED!!!”, but mom guilt seeped in & suddenly the words just escaped my mouth, “sure, honey, I’ll go throw it in the wash, get some sleep, goodnight!” I threw a load in, headed up to bed, blinked, & woke up to my phone notification, it was a text, a text from my son, my son who was literally just a few feet away from me in his room, it read, and I quote, “Laundry” with an emoji of laundry next to it. Now, this might not seem like that big of a deal to many. However, at night our kiddos dock & plug-in their devices downstairs in the kitchen, a kitchen that is literally four feet from the basement where our laundry area is located. Thus, this means that my son walked downstairs, grabbed his phone, walked back upstairs, & texted me instead of walking downstairs and placing his laundry in the dryer. And that was the last straw!!! Ever just feel like your family takes advantages of your kindness, generosity, & unconditional love?  I had enough! Done! I’m officially on strike, laundry strike!!!

Mom’s on Laundry Strike!!

I mean, I might be fed up, frustrated, & slightly miffed, but I’m not a total asshole, I’m not gonna leave them totally stranded with stains, smelly duds, & dirty undies.  I took the day, cleaned the laundry room “space”, & provided instruction. See, unlike newer homes with laundry rooms on the first floor our home was built in the 1940s, thus, our laundry “space” is in the basement, ya know, with all the spiders. Yup, spiders, those are what has prevented my oldest; she’s 14 years old, from doing laundry. So today I tried my best to remove any spider webs, and if my daughter asks, I killed spiders (not really, I know they’re actually good to have around ;)).  I also added an informational sheet, sheets for each of the laundry “categories”, & I added a few notes via dry-erase board markers. I mean, I gotta give them a bit of guidance. And now begins the TOUGHEST part, I need to step back. I have to be less available, I have to let them be in charge of their own laundry, to make mistakes, I have to allow them to shrink their clothes, set-in those stains, & accidentally dye all our whites pink for the sake of their independence, my independence, learning, & perhaps even for the sake of your child….one of your children might marry mine, and you’re welcome, I sacrificed my clothing so that their marriage would strive!

Wish me well, loves! I legit have no idea how this will turn out. It might end well with self-sufficient children, children who grow into self-sufficient adults who marry other self-sufficient adults if everyone else is willing to go ALL-IN, or we might need to purchase entirely new wardrobes!  🤷‍♀️ Show of hands, who’s ALL-IN with self-sufficient kiddos? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Let’s bring back arranged marriages? Topic for a new post? 😉😂 I joke, but please wish me well…17 years of marriage is on the line. Share & tag friends if you agree that kids should be doing their own laundry by age 14!! What age is/are your kiddos going to be doing/are doing their own laundry?

WTOL Segment Recipes: Farro Bone Broth Bowl & Low Carb Charcuterie Board

Remember, we don’t say that dirty 4-letter word, di*t, instead, we focus on healthier eating habits. 😉 Here’s some pics from the segment & recipes are below…make it a great one, loves!

Farro Bone Broth Bowl

If you’ve never cooked your grains with bone broth before, it’s time to start. It not only adds rich flavor, but it takes an already nutritious meal to the next level. This farro bowl is simple to put together and all the ingredients are packed with so much nutrition that you’ll feel energized AND satisfied.

Servings: 6 • Total Time: 1 Hour


2 servings LonoLife Chicken Bone Broth

1 cup farro

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1 cup grape tomatoes, halved

1 cup roasted chic peas

2 cups arugula

Salt, pepper & red pepper flakes to taste

Salad dressing of choice


1) Add bone broth powder to a medium pot with about 16oz of water. Bring to a boil. Stir in farro, cover and reduce heat to a simmer until farro is tender and the broth is absorbed, 20 to 25 minutes.

2) Mix olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper together. Stir mixture into farro until the farro is fully coated.

3) Start assembling bowls by placing the farro in each. Add tomatoes, chic peas and arugula.

4) Top with your favorite dressing and red pepper flakes to taste. Add more salt & pepper if desired.

5) Dig in!



Charcuterie Board


  • ParmCrisps Original flavor
  • Southern Recipe Small Batch pork rinds, any variety
  • Almonds
  • Olives
  • Salami (rolled)
  • Prosciutto (rolled)
  • Pickles
  • Goat Cheese
  • Fresh Mozzarella
  • Aged Cheddar


Place each ingredient in bundles on an old cutting board, with olives in a bowl

Serve and enjoy!



Harlem Globetrotters Pushing the Limits World Tour in BG Ohio Family 4-pack ticket Giveaway



Lisa Zoeller




Ahhh!! Alert the media! They’re coming back to NW Ohio!!! Were you out of town, caught up in the afterglow of Christmas festivities, just too darn tired (It happens to the best of us, forgive yourself, & totally redeem yourself with this SWEET offer!!!) whatever your excuse, they’re coming back to Mom on the go in Holy Toledo’s Alma mater, BGSU!! The BEST darn EPIC performance, where basketball game & show collide is coming BACK TO NW OHIO!!! It is the one & only Harlem Globetrotters in their all-new, larger-than-life world tour! You’ll be on your feet, out of your seat, laughing until it hurts and loving every moment.  And FYI, 5th Quarter – The game isn’t over after the final shot! Meet your kiddos can meet their favorite Globetrotter court-side after the game to get an autograph and photo. Don’t miss out – get your tickets today!! Take the fam, your local basketball team, scouts/troop, youth group, and/or any tween/teen that’s tricky to buy a b-day gift for 😉


Stroh Center 1535 E. WOOSTER BOWLING GREEN, OH 43402


February 3rd @ 7pm



1-Share this post on Facebook

2- Comment indicating who you will be taking with you to see the Harlem Globetrotters?

3-Know that you are appreciated & very much an integral part of our awesome community….thank you for following Mom on the go in Holy Toledo 😉

Winner randomly selected on January 28th  

Share, tag family and friends, & meetup for some epic entertainment!

How to Protect your Child from Cyber Threats

Mobile phones and internet use has increased significantly over the past five years. According to a study, more than 95% of US teenagers own a smartphone, and 45% say that they are online almost all the time. Such an increase in mobile phone use and internet access applies to children too.

There are considerable advantages to such connectivity. It helps to stay in touch with your children whenever they are outdoors. They can reach out for help at any point they feel they need it. Similarly, entertainment and education are now heavily dependent on internet access. Mobile phones have now become the primary route online because of accessibility. Schools regularly share books online that students can access at home. Websites such as YouTube have also increased in popularity owing to these factors. Meanwhile, social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat provide youngsters with the tools to stay in touch with friends and family.

While these changes highlight the positive impact of digital technologies, there are threats for youngsters as well.

According to a study, more than 37% of the youngsters in the US between the ages of 12 and 17 have stated that they experienced cyberbullying. Such youngsters are at an increased risk of self-harming and developing mental health issues. Furthermore, only one in ten teenagers will inform their parents about bullying. This shows that cyberbullying is a dangerous threat that parents fail to notice.

Smartphones now carry a significant amount of personal information such as identity, location, residential address, financial information, images, and other personal data. Those willing harm to your child can gain access to this information for blackmail and bullying. Similarly, there is a massive store of inappropriate content online, with little in the way of preventing children from accessing it. Predators also seek out potential victims through social media or other online platforms.

If you’re looking for ways to protect your child from these threats but don’t yet understand how you can do so, don’t worry. In this article, we will identify how parental monitoring is an effective way of doing so. We will first briefly explore what under what conditions you should monitor your children. We will then identify the top parental monitoring app, and list down the features that can be used.

Parental monitoring:

While monitoring your children to protect them is quite reasonable, you need to recognize certain limitations as well. Children need their personal space to build up confidence and self-esteem to handle daily stresses. Excessive interference in your child’s life can be detrimental to their well-being. In situations like these, it is important to strike a balance between independence and monitoring. Educate yourself and make sure you engage your children on how they can stay safe online. Furthermore, develop and agree to a set of rules that everyone must follow at all times.

Once you have clarity over these matters, you can use the top parental monitoring app for 2020, called XNSPY.


XNSPY is a sophisticated parental monitoring app that enables you to keep track of your children and ensure their safety. XNSPY is available for both Android and iOS devices. The app offers a range of features. We will identify and list these features, as well as how they can help you as a parent.

Social Media and online activity:

You can use XNSPY to keep track of popular social media websites such as Facebook or Instagram. Furthermore, prominent instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Tinder, and Skype can also be monitored. You can go through the chats on these applications if you think it is necessary to do so. XNSPY recognizes the important role social media plays in the lives of youngsters nowadays and accordingly offers you such features. Besides, you can use the app to keep tabs on your child’s online behavior by tracking the frequently-visited websites.

Call tracking:

XNSPY can record all calls made from the device. It also creates a log of all incoming, outgoing, and missed calls as well. You can listen to the recordings and view the log on the app’s control panel. Everything is neatly arranged as well, with each call marked with date, time, and duration.

Text message monitoring:

Text messaging is an important means of communication for youngsters because it affords flexibility in how they interact with others. You can use XNSPY to read all sent and received messages. As in the case of call tracking, the messages are also organized by time and date.

Location tracking:

If you are worried about where your child is going, use the location tracking feature. You can monitor their location in real-time, and reach out to them in case of an emergency. XNSPY also has a geofencing feature that will alert you if your child goes to a location where they are not supposed to go, or if they leave a certain location.


Multimedia access:

You can use this feature to gain access to all multimedia files stored on the device. You can view all the images, audio, and video files. You may confront your child if you find anything inappropriate. XNSPY will also keep track of all calendar entries. This way, you can get an idea about what kind of events your child is planning to attend.

Remote control features:

XNSPY offers several advanced remote control features, such as device locking and ambient sound recording. You can block certain apps too if you feel they are inappropriate for your child. Also, you can remotely wipe off all data from the device. This is an especially useful feature if the device is stolen or lost. You can prevent leakage of confidential information.

Instant alerts:

This parental monitoring app for 2020 can alert you if there is a potential danger to your child. You can add contact numbers to a watch list. XNSPY will immediately notify you if there is any communication with the person. You can use this feature to add certain terms to the watch list. The app will send an alert if those terms are mentioned in a text message or anywhere on the phone. This is a very important feature if you do not want to actively monitor your child all the time.

Price and ease of use:

The basic version of the app comes in at USD 4.99 per month, while the premium feature costs 7.49/ month. Competitive pricing makes XNSPY far more affordable than other parental monitoring apps. The installation process is quite simple and discreet too. Also, you can remotely view all the information the app has collectedvia the XNSPY control panel.



Summing up:

The Internet and mobile phone usage have significantly increased in recent years, especially among youngsters. While this has provided many opportunities for education, socializing, and entertainment, there are threats online as well. These threats can be dangerous for your child. Using an app like XNSPY can help you protect your child. Its affordability and a broad range of sophisticated features make XNSPY the top parental monitoring app for 2020.


Win two tickets to see BANDSTAND Jan. 9 at the Stranahan Theater

Win two tickets to see BANDSTAND Jan. 9 at the Stranahan Theater!!

From three-time Tony® Award-winning choreographer Andy Blankenbuehler of HAMILTON comes a new American musical that explodes with heart-stopping dancing.  Its 1945, and six soldiers return from war to a changed nation. When NBC announces a national competition to find the nation’s next great musical superstars, they form a band unlike any the nation has ever seen. Along the way, they discover the power of music to face the impossible, find their voice, and finally feel like they have a place to call home.


Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd, Toledo, OH, 43614


January 9th-12th



Enter to win two tickets to BANDSTAND opening night performance, January, 9th @ 7:30pm


1-Share this post on Facebook

2- Comment on the BLOG stating who you will take with you….date night? Girl’s night?

Winner will be randomly selected January 9th @ 8am