We NEED Your Help: Help Addysen Get a Diabetic Dog

This story was brought to my attention by one of my amazing and beautiful followers, huge thank you to Linda Smith for sharing Addysen’s story with me. I will be totally honest, I became a little emotional while reading Addysen’s story, I started tearing up, my heart goes out to her and her family. Her story has really touched me and I think her story will move you too…please read & share!!


Addysen was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 4. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone people need to get energy from food. T1D strikes both children and adults at any age and suddenly. Millions of Americans are affected by type 1.  She is now 8, and has been dealing with diabetes every day for four years!  That is four years of finger sticks 8-15 times a day, scary low blood sugars that pop up at the most inconvenient times, nasty highs and 2 AM blood sugar checks.  As Addysen has gotten older, she has become more anxious and concerned about her diabetes but there is some hope!

Diabetic Alert Dogs are trained to alert diabetic handlers in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar events before they become dangerous. The Diabetic Alert Dog’s early detection allows the handler to take the proper steps to return their blood sugar to a normal healthy range. Diabetic Alert Dogs of America services individuals of all ages and families affected by Diabetes throughout the entire United States. http://www.diabeticalertdogsofamerica.com/

Diabetic Alert dogs provide life-saving alerts to low and high blood sugar. Diabetic Alert Dogs save lives! A diabetic alert dog will give Addysen peace of mind, security and confidence.  She will be safe with a diabetic alert dog by her side. 

A Diabetic Alert Dogs will give her confidence and much needed independence as she grows! Will you help Addysen obtain her diabetic alert dog by making a donation? 

CLICK HERE to make a monetary donation towards Addysen’s Diabetic Alert Dogs

Also, Saturday February 20th from 10am-4pm at Kahler Pharmacy on Airport Hwy  

Drop off donations…clean out your closets mommas & donate those bags of clothing, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, towels, linens, shoes, purses, book bags and other cloth items for a great cause! Easter seals will donate to Addysen for her Diabetic Alert Dog by the pound! Please share and help spread the word!



Makeovers & Mimosas: Because You ARE Beautiful!!

Feeling a bit down, like you just don’t stack up against the rest? You don’t have to look far to have those feeling confirmed. Just log onto Facebook, Instagram, or practically any social media outlet and you will be bombarded with before and after images. The before images often show a woman with excess fat, unfit, face breaking out, short hair, or whatever feature a certain product focuses on correcting and inevitably the after image is this fit, toned, clean complexion, long haired woman, etc. or the solution the product provided. Scroll down that feed a bit farther and you will see more images, images of how amazing your life could be once you have that “after image”. I should clarify at this point that I have mad respect and support for all the independent home sales product representatives, consultants, & presenters out there; y’all are doing a phenomenal job. My issue lies in the fact that there are so many women who perpetually see themselves stuck as the “before image”, who refuse to really start living their lives until they reach that “after image” of themselves,  perhaps even an ‘after image’ that isn’t even realistically attainable. Pair that with the fact that a recent study found that the average woman puts herself down at least eight times each day, EIGHT, (criticisms around appearance and weight are the most prevalent) and it really is a wonder some of us even bother getting out of bed in the morning!  The study went on to state that two-fifths of survey respondents said they never complimented themselves on a typical day. (Source) That is why I wanted to host a Makeovers & Mimosas event, an event to celebrate the way we are NOW, today, to recognize & enhance our natural beauty, to find clothing that fits our bodies today, to embrace our size & shape, to feel good about ourselves today, not struggle for months to achieve that after image and then live, tomorrow isn’t promised, it is vital we don’t waste today …oh, and most importantly, to have a great time!!  




We started our Makeovers & Mimosas event with a toast….a toast to healthy body image, positive self-talk, complimenting ourselves, putting an end to the critical thinking & negative talk…each woman raised a glass and stated the following, “I am beautiful!”!!!



And then the fun began!!! Half of the ladies stayed upstairs and took turns applying makeup, getting their hair styled, and enjoying a massage….



The amazing stylist at French Twist Salon & Spa….


What’s a day of pampering without a massage?…..



Meanwhile the other half of our beauties headed downstairs to shop the hip, trendy, classic, and sophisticated assembles found at Style 5:16…..check out these gorgeous ladies, owning their beauty, living for today, and having a blast!!
















There might have even been a little bonding going on….not just with the other ladies but with the clothing, purses, various brands…sometimes they just call out to us & it is hard to let go.




I was sad to see the day end, it was such a positive, uplifting, and fun experience.




Shout out and huge thank you to Style 5:16 Consignment Boutique, Joy from Rey of Sunshine Massage, Kelly Ball the Younique Consultant, The French Twist Salon & Spa , & all you beautiful ladies who made Makeovers & Mimosas a huge success!! It was such a delight meeting some of you for the first time, getting to know others better, and basking in the positive energy each of you radiates. It was a pleasure, thank you ladies for spending the late morning/early afternoon with us… and remember, you are each so beautiful, let that light shine for all to see!! Cheers!

Make certain you stay tuned…February’s Ladies Night Out will be announced in the coming week!! And it is one you won’t want to miss!

Monster Jam® is coming to TOLEDO!! WIN TICKETS!!

Monster Jam® is blasting into 2016 with a new 10-city arena based, points-paying Monster Jam endurance showcase, featuring the biggest and best lineup of Monster Jam trucks highlighted by more of what the fans want to see…more racing, more freestyle, more donuts, more wheelies, more trucks, more action…#MoreMonsterJam!. These select markets will also be treated to new competition vehicles such as extreme Monster Jam Speedsters and Monster Jam ATVs as they rip through the arenas during combative racing action. Headlining the tour will be eight of the best Monster Jam trucks and eight of the fiercest athletes competing against one another and against each Monster Jam branded trio of vehicles, to earn valuable points during each new event discipline. And guess what, TOLEDO is one of the lucky cities!!!



Show Dates & Times

Friday, March 4       7:00 PM

Saturday, March 5   2:00 PM   7:00 PM

Sunday, March 6   2:00 PM



Monster Jam® at Huntington Center Friday March 4th– Sunday, March 6th. Tickets start at just $15! Purchasing Link   http://www.ticketmaster.com/venueartist/65566/1542376  or order over the phone by calling 1-800-745-3000




Opening Night tickets are just $15 – No code needed! Kids’ tickets start at $10 – no code needed

Disclaimers: Discount does not apply to Rinkside, Front Row, or VIP seats. No double discounts.  Service charges, handling, and facility fees may apply. Child discount applies for ages 2-12. 

Purchasing Link   http://www.ticketmaster.com/venueartist/65566/1542376



Mom on the go in Holy Toledo is giving away a family 4 pack of tickets to Monster Jam® OPENING NIGHT!!

To be entered complete the following steps:

ONE- must complete 3 of the following, you can decide which 3:

1.Share this post on Facebook. (Simply click on button at the bottom of page)

2.Share this post on Twitter #MonsterJam (button at bottom of page)

3.Show Monster Jam® Facebook page some love https://www.facebook.com/MonsterJam?fref=ts

4.Follow Monster Jam® on Twitter

5.Share this post on Pinterest (button at bottom of page)

TWO- Comment below stating who you will take with you if you are the winner.


Winner will be randomly selected Feb. 20th @ 11:59pm. Winners name will be announced the 21st on this blog post thread and on Mom on the go in Holy Toledo’s Facebook page.

How to Survive Joy Robbers

We are all familiar with the phrase Grave Robber, a crime in which an individual raids a tomb to steal artifacts or personal effects from the deceased. Just to clarify that is a crime in which a soul that has passed on is robbed of material thing. However, when an individual steals the joy, a very important component of mental health, from another soul no crime is committed but the repercussions to the victim are far more damaging.



Joy Robbing can happen at any time and by various means; here are a few of the classic joy robbing techniques & examples …..

The Blindsided Joy Snatcher: It is the beginning of your baby shower and one of the ladies attending show up and announces she is pregnant.

The Classic Underminer: You studied for weeks for an exam; you get it back, and aced it! You can’t wait to share the results with the world and the first comment you receive on Facebook is, “I know, it was so easy, I thing like everyone got an A”.

Perpetual Glass is Half Empty Robber: You had a long day, dog got out, kids were bickering, etc. but you made it happen! You made dinner, got to the dishes, kids homework completed, went over spelling words, got kiddos to extracurricular activities, clothes sat out for next day, vacuum, etc. You completed 101 tasks that day and are feeling good, then your husband calls and inquiries about tasks number 102 that you didn’t complete.

The One Upper Joy Thief: You took all your kids to the doctors at the same time to get vaccines, it was a nightmare but you survived and came out of it stronger & are feeling pretty good, confident. You share your story with a friend and she does the classic one upper move, “You only took 3, I tool ALL 5 of mine to the doctor that was the worst!”

After having your sunshine virtually stolen and joy hijacked you are often left feeling insignificant, unimportant, etc. which could potentially result in a downward self-deprecating spiral if you are not careful. So how does one come out of a Joy robbing unscathed? Honestly I am not certain if you can survive a joy robbing entirely unscathed, once words are said & heard they tend to reverberate in our minds and can never be unheard which is why it is so important that we use our filter of compassion before we utter a word.


Here are 4 steps to help you recover from a Joy Robbing:

  1. Assess the source: They say misery loves company. Turns out those lacking Joy are eager to invite others to their party of despair. I am reminded of the quote, “It’s not you, it’s me…it’s what I am going through”, the classic breakup excuse. Well this holds true to Joy robbers too, it is them, it is what they are going through. A lot are insecure, terrified of being their authentic self, incapable of humbling themselves, or perhaps even victims of a life filled with joy robbing, it is less painful for them to tear down your scaffolding to joy and watch you fall then to add to the scaffolding and build you up further towards your sunshine.
  2. Forgive: If you hold a grudge towards your joy robber than you are no better than them. And what’s worse, not only did they rob you of that initial joy but they will continue to rob you of your future joy.
  3. Forget!? Don’t Dwell: Here’s the kicker, no matter how hard you try you can never forget. Once words are said & heard they tend to reverberate in our minds and can never be unheard. But we must quiet that person’s voice reverberating in our heads, we cannot allow it to become a part of who we are, work on turning down the volume, don’t dwell on it and eventually it will hopefully be stored away in the attic of the mind.
  4. Don’t shut yourself down: After being frequently robbed of joy your natural instinct is to shut down and no longer share because all it leads to is hurtfulness, BUT DON’T!! Continue to share your joy; it is important to remember that there are individuals in this world who need to hear your inspiring story, to be motivated by your words, to perhaps even pursue a life free of joy robbing. It only takes one person to touch millions. You are unique, you are special, you have gifts to share with this world and you can’t do that if you shut down. No matter how many times someone may tear you down and rob you of your joy you must persevere, you are more resilient than you know, go after your sunshine!


Joy robbing is not a victimless crime. Let’s humble ourselves and help build up others scaffoldings so that they can have full sun exposure, and bask in their joys, don’t tear others down.

Have you ever been a victim of a joy robbing? How did it make you feel? How did you overcome it? Or perhaps you have joy robbed yourself, please share your story, we learn from each other’s experiences, mistakes, and victories.


Vital Ally for us Moms on the go!

I stood there trying to hold back the tears that wanted to gush out like a tidal wave. So much was going through my mind when the mechanic informed me that after spending the day and $460 to fix the heat and defrost in my SUV it still didn’t work. I would have to bring it back the next day and spend an additional $85 so they could complete the process. Now, I wasn’t getting emotional over the price, (though, that will put quit the dent in the pocket book) or the fact that I would have to do a lot of walking yet again the next day, but because it finally hit me that it might be time to get a new vehicle.  I would have to say goodbye to my longtime ally that helps make this Mom on the go possible.


Now it should be noted that I normally do not have strong attachments to material things but my vehicle, my Yukon, is the exception. Why? She (yes, my vehicle is a she) has been there through so much, I have depended on her, we have shared so many vital memories in my life as a mom, and to be honest, this might sound strange but when I see her I see me.

She is a 2002 Yukon but we didn’t welcome her to the family until 2007 when our second child was born. We originally purchased her for my husband, she was supposed to be his work vehicle but she was quite the gas guzzler. Since my errands at that time only consisted of short trips around town she became my vehicle. It was not love at first sight, in fact, I hated her at first. She was so big, she wasn’t green, and she was white, WHITE! I do not do car washes, I don’t do white anything since having kids, white clothes, white purses, white animals, etc.




Slowly our relationship evolved, I started depending on her, especially with the birth of our 3 child. She held my garden of my life, all things valuable and priceless to me, how could I not help but come to slowly appreciate her? As the years went by we started spending more and more time together, driving kids to preschool, Child’s Day Out, first days of Kindergarten, Playgroup activities, we were spending less and less time at home, she virtually became our second home. We have made so many memories in the Yukon, some amazing and some a bit disgusting.


She took us all the way to Hilton Head a couple times, Sesame Place, Dutch Country, countless trips to Lake Michigan, and don’t even get me started on all our fun filled Road trips around Ohio!! We have had some really awesome times together but it shows. I may have the stretch marks but she has some very visible marks too that clearly give away the fact that she is indeed a mom mobile. The one that stands out most is the DVD player. See whoever had her before us really decked her out with the finest of everything, custom screens, DVD player, Bose system, etc. ya know, kinda like me before I had kids, I was all shiny and new, no bags under the eyes, lines on the forehead, or sleepy gaze.


Anyway, our 3rd toddler made certain that DVD player was to be no more. One cup of juice did the trick, sippy lid popped off; juice went all over the player, and hasta la vista DVD player! There are scratches here and there, enough crumbs on the floor to survive on for 3 days, the windows up front don’t work, the lighters have never worked so there is no charging of any phone in the Yukon, the car alarm goes off sporadically when you unlock it, and most recently there is no heat or defrost but she keeps going and I keep adoring her for it! When I see her, I see me.

When I see her I see me. She looks decent on the outside, maybe starting to show her age a bit, but for the most part she looks pretty good (And no, I have never taken her to a car wash…that’s 8 years, no car wash! White is my new favorite car color, surprisingly forgiving, who knew!?).  She is full of surprises, perhaps she will honk when you hit the unlock button and maybe she wont’s, sometimes she falls short, but for the most part she is dependable and quite resilient, I think she might be the only thing that has been thrown up on as much as me!! She may have ditched all the bells and whistles along the way but I have come to find out that all the bells and whistles are just distractions from what really matters.


She is my white knight on the rare occasion I can escape without the kids; she drives me off into the sunset to meet up with other likeminded moms & mom mobiles. She is a vital role in this family, with my husband traveling it really boils down to her and I to make certain this family gets everywhere they need to go, school drop off, basketball practice, Chess Club, Puppy’s Vet appointments, Church, etc. I spend half my days & more than half of motherhood with her, we have seen it all, and been through so much together and that is why I am trying so hard to hold back this tidal wave of tears. I like what we have, I like who I have become while driving my mom mobile Yukon, I have become a more humble, resilient, and appreciative person thanks to her. Perhaps I am in Denali thinking that all that will go when she does? One day there will be a new mom mobile in my life but nothing will ever compare to her, the Yukon that held my babies, my young family, that drove us to a lot of the children’s firsts that held the first chapter of what I will always & forever cherish, the early years of motherhood.


The Happiest Omen for the New Year includes the fruit found in these two recipes! (FYI: they have anti-aging effects!)

So what is this fruit? Here are a few clues: people often mistaken it for a vegetable,  its skin contains phytochemicals, it is full of antioxidants, it protects cells from the effect of free-radical damage, thus it has anti-aging effects (um, yes, please!),it is packed with fiber, and it is a good source of potassium and magnesium. Not too shabby for a fruit, right!? Did the clues give it away? It is the Eggplant!!

The Japanese have a proverb that states, “The happiest omen for a New Year is first Mount Fuji, then the falcon, and lastly eggplant.” Thus what better fruit to include in your meals this New Year than the eggplant? I have two mouthwatering dishes that your family is going to love! So much so that there will be no leftovers, I repeat, no leftovers! You have been warned!

The first recipe is the one I shared on WTOL Saturday morning, Eggplant Parmesan with a twist, it is breaded with QRUNCH




Click on the link below for a quick demo on how to prepare the Eggplant Parmesan Breaded in Qrunch & the recipe can be found directly below the clip.


Recipe: Eggplant Parmesan Breaded with QRUNCH




1 package QRUNCH burgers, toasted to perfection (found in the Organic area at your local Kroger’s)

1-2 eggs

1 eggplant

1 cup gluten-free flour (I used coconut flour)

1 Tablespoon of Italian Seasoning

1 bunch of fresh parsley chopped

Parmesan Reggiano (optional for topping)



Toast or prepare 1 package of QRUNCH burgers in the toaster.

When cooled, place the burgers, Italian seasoning, and parsley in a food processor until it has a coarse consistency.

Slice the eggplant and prepare an egg wash in a separate bowl.

Dip the sliced eggplant in the gluten-free flour, then dredge in the egg wash. Note: For a true vegetarian/vegan option, you can use your favorite almond milk or coconut milk.

Cover with QRUNCH crumbles and bake at 350°F for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with marinara sauce.


And the second eggplant recipe, Eggplant & Bacon Rollups! This one has quickly become an ALL TIME FAV in our household. Kiddos beg me to make this!!





Eggplant & Bacon Rollups


3 medium/large eggplants

One package of bacon sliced in two (short way)

Butter (2 Tablespoons melted)

One container Organic Ricotta (14oz) (I purchased mine at Claudia’s)

2 Tablespoons of Basil Pest (or any pesto you have on hand)

Cup of Parmesan cheese




Slice eggplant 1/4 inch thickness long-ways (keep skin, that’s where all the antioxidants are!)

Place eggplant slices on cookie sheet, brush on melted butter, and place in oven at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes until eggplant is tender & golden brown

While eggplant bakes mix ricotta cheese & basil pesto in bowl

Remove eggplant from oven, for half the eggplant slices place a slice of bacon or two (depends on size of bacon) over eggplant slice, add roughly a Tablespoon or so of the filling on top of the bacon down the middle vertically, and then roll it up. Place in a greased 9 x 13 casserole dish. For the remaining half of the eggplant slices place bacon on a cutting board, place eggplant on top, add filling, and roll. Eggplant rolls should look similar to a chess board.

Top with a bit or Parmesan cheese & Bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes until cheese is bubbling and turning golden. Then enjoy!!!

Have you ever had eggplant before? What is your favorite Eggplant dish?

Here’s to the Happiest New Year!! Cheers!!




My New Year’s Resolutions for 2016 (cringe)

Since today is the first day back to our “regular” routine I consider today to be the first day of my New Year’s resolutions. Did you know you could do that? Why should January 1st have all the fun? I say we spread that lovin throughout the month, shoot, even the year, if need be. You officially have permission to begin your New Year’s resolutions whenever you would like, weight lifted, feel lighter?  (By weight I mean burden on your shoulders, not the weight you physically want to lose, you’re gonna still have to sweat a little for that one!).

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Here goes, the moment I have been dreading (cringing). I am not usually one to share my resolutions, that way if I don’t succeed no one knows, I thought it was genius but this year is going to be different, this year I am striving for success! Thus, I read somewhere that in order to stay true to your resolutions you should have an accountability partner, a person who knows what your resolutions, goals, etc. are and is there to support you in your efforts as well as be willing to call you out when you fall short. I figure who better to have as my accountability partner than you, my readers. If you see me slipping up, feel free to post a comment here, via Facebook, twitter, etc. I have thick skin, I can take it (kinda, well, don’t be too brutal). Thus, without further adieu, my resolutions for 2016……

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  1. Walk children to school at least once a week (there & back, gets me 2 miles, score!)
  2. Get to daily Mass at least once a week
  3. Take a Belly Dancing Lesson as a Ladies Night Out
  4. Introduce family to a new cuisine each week
  5. Redecorate the girls room
  6. Take 15 minutes of quiet time each day for peaceful reflection (remove the noise from the day)
  7. Volunteer once a month AS A FAMILY
  8. Do something that scares me a little each week, something outside my comfort zone

And exhale. Okay, there you have it folks, those are my resolutions. How did I arrive at these resolutions you may be asking? For that answer CLICK HERE (New Year’s Resolutions: like a kid in a candy store).

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Now it is your turn accountability partners, share your resolutions…..are you going to go for that new career this year? Lose that weight? Reconnect with a long lost soul? Read that book you have been dying to read? Revamp your wardrobe? This is killing me, I want to know! What’s going to be different about you at the end of 2016?




Latest Fashion Obsession & LulaRoe Giveaway!!!

This morning I find myself deeply conflicted. I am sitting her, sipping coffee, and literally daydreaming about leggings, yes, I said leggings! I fear I may lose all self-control. My willpower is weakening by the hour. If I don’t give them away soon I am busting those suckers open and wearing them!!! You are probably thinking I have officially lost it, and perhaps I have, but I don’t want to go back to the way life was pre-LulaRoe!! My obsession started a couple days ago.

The leggings arrived in an ordinary, kinda plain, quiet, packaging, totally the opposite of the items held within. I tore that sucker open like a kid on Christmas morning. No tip-toeing around the adhesive side gracefully opening it, nope, when I was done with it you couldn’t even make out what it was originally. But I couldn’t help myself, I could hear the loud screams of the stylish leggings held within, I had to set them free, I had to see the funky, fun, fashionable designs! It was love at first sight! But wait, it gets better!



I tried them on and it was unlike any experience I have ever had with a pair of leggings! They were so unbelievably comfortable!! They felt the way my naked legs used to feel before I got married, when I would spend a crap load of money on fancy razors, shaving creams, and lotions, when I used to shave my entire legs. They were so silky smooth, like butter!! Clearly this was a match made in heaven because only the angels could have created something this magnificent! I never ended up taking that first pair off, I couldn’t go back, I had experienced comfort on a heavenly level; there was no way I was going back! I wore them all day and not once did I have to tug, adjust, or remove a wedgie. I was officially hooked and it wasn’t just me, they also have them for little girls. My little fashionista has request her entire wardrobe be LulaRoe!! (She slept in her legging, I had to beg her to take them off for bath time).




So you are probably wondering why the conflict? These LulaRoe legging sound amazing, why would I be remotely conflicted? Because I have two sweet pair sitting up on my nightstand right now, they look amazing, feel amazing, but they are not for me, I am going to share….I. AM. GOING. TO. SHARE!….I might still be trying to convince myself of that fact! I am not a selfish person, honest, I share everything, clothes, food, house, everything but my pillow & toothbrush (those are sacred!), but I fear I may have to add my LulaRoe to that short list! You can’t judge if you have never tired a pair, you just wouldn’t understand! Thus, I wasn’t going to run this giveaway until next week but my willpower is weakening by the hour! They are just so comfortable, stylish, compliment attractors, etc. Oh the agony! They have got to go, now!

Here is a pic of these sweet treats….talk about eye candy! Lol!


Both are sized Tall & Curvy, recommended for sizes 10-22. If you have long legs you are gonna love these, they actually cover your entire leg not just to the mid-calve.

To enter the giveaway for 2 sweet pairs of LulaRoe leggings complete the following steps:

  1. Go look in the mirror, smile, (there, that’s better) now repeat these words “Lookin good beautiful!”
  2. Share this post with a friend and include the following message, “You are amazing! Saw these and thought of you, you deserve something stylish & comfortable!”
  3. Lastly, post a comment below sharing your favorite fashion trend EVER!!

Winner will be randomly selected January 12th @ 11:59pm and winner’s name will be posted on the blog and Facebook page the 13th. Good Luck!! (giveaway limited to US states, excludes Alaska & Hawaii)

I am off to do some more shopping! CLICK HERE to Shop Jacque & Cindy’s LulaRoe Group.  What’s on my list? Why more leggings of course, thinking I need one for each day of the week and my little fashionista needs at least one if not three twirly dresses!! Eee!! We are going to be styling this year, 2016 won’t know what hit it! Lol!