American Dream Builders ($50 Lowes Giveaway)

My dream home would include an open floor plan, larger closets, new kitchen, and room for everyone to grow! The American Dream Home is something everyone fantasizes about. Whether it’s a new closet, a larger family room, or simply a place to put all your stuff, there’s always something we want to change about where we live!

What if you could make your home into your Dream Home?


AMERICAN DREAM BUILDERS – a new show on NBC airing on Sunday at 8/7c – and Lowe’s want to make your dream a reality.

Hosted by famed interior designer and best-selling author, Nate Berkus, AMERICAN DREAM BUILDERS follows the nation’s top 12 designers and home builders as they compete to be crowned the Ultimate Dream Builder and take home a $250,000 cash prize. It’s the home competition that will change everything!

From the producers of Survivor and The Bachelor, don’t miss AMERICAN DREAM BUILDERS, Sundays at 8/7c, only on NBC.

You can enter for a chance to win $100,000 in products and services from Lowe’s and a consultation with the winner of American Dream Builders!

Enter for a chance to win your dream renovation at

You will have the opportunity to earn 5 bonus entries when you “Dream It Yourself”! Upload a photo and description of a home project you are working on and EARN 5 BONUS SWEEPSTAKES ENTRIES.


Finally, for the GIVEAWAY: To enter complete #1-3

1) Follow the show on Facebook and Twitter  and for a chance to win more prizes from American Dream Builders and Lowe’s!

2)Follow Mom on the go in Holy Toledo on Facebook and Twitter.

3) What is your dream home makeover? (place response in comment thread)

Winner will be randomly selected April 5th @ 11:59pm

Each household is only eligible to win One (1) $50 Lowe’s Gift Card via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

McDonald’s Clubhouse, date night destination? (and Giveaway)

Date Night. What comes to mind when I hear those two words? Date night to me means, momma having to do lots of cleaning/prep work, disagreements, too much money, and guilt all for a few measly hours away from home. And the final words that come to mind when I hear date night, not worth it! Sad, but true!

Cleaning and Prep work….

So this may come as a shock to some but my home is a mess, it is in constant motion. With an 8, 6, and 3 year old the tables, floors, and counters are constantly being cleaned off and then seconds later they are covered with play dough, Legos, Barbie’s, Art projects, etc. Thus, before a sitter enters the house momma has some cleaning to do, mostly de-cluttering (so at least the children can be located easily), vacuuming, etc. nothing to strenuous. But by the time I have finished cleaning, setting out the children’s PJs, and making certain everything is ready for the next morning the last thing I want to do is primp. I don’t want to shave my legs, put on a dress, and high heels. After running everyone around all day, walking through Costco (and lugging everything into the house), chasing down the dog, going up and down the steps with loads of laundry, and cleaning the house, putting my feet in high heels would be a form of torture, no thank you.

Disagreements over our destination….

What kind of food do WE have a taste for? Where do WE want to eat? I despise these questions. Why? Because WE can never come to an agreement! My husband is more of a meat and potatoes type of guy while I am more of a foodie. I want more gourmet cuisine. I am totally comfortable with a huge plate that has two bites of something on it, as long as those two bites are amazing. Meanwhile my husband would be complaining to the waiter and requesting, where is the rest of my food? Haha! You can see our predicament.

Too much money….

I must clarify; I am okay with a gourmet restaurant, within reason. The cost of a meal at some restaurants is ridiculous. Ever glanced through a menu, noted the prices, and then wished you would have eaten the rest of your 3 year olds Mac& Cheese back at home before your left? Darn that willpower! Maybe you’ll luck out and at least be able to lick the plate when you get home. So what do you do when the prices are too high? Why act like a lady of course, and order just a side salad. Besides, like mom always said, you can fill up on water and bread. Nothing says you worked your bum off today, catered to everyone’s needs, ran around like a mad momma let’s celebrate with water and bread. Maybe the hubs will be impressed with your practice of  self-control…that is until that bread basket shows up. Lol!


Have you ever walked out of a restaurant and immediately felt the weight of guilt pressing down on you due to the exasperating amount you just spent on two meals? That was only for two meals?? I mean seriously, that one meal alone could have covered a semester of Junior’s college tuition. Going out to eat remorse, totally not worth it!

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The solution to this date night dilemma….

The Clubhouse! The Bacon Clubhouse at McDonald’s. I know what you’re thinking, ‘please, McDonald’s, that’s a fast-food restaurant, not a date night destination’. But that’s the thing; the Bacon Clubhouse doesn’t taste like fast-food. It tastes like a ‘fancy’ Bistro sandwich (don’t worry; it is still messy enough to qualify as a man-sandwich and satisfy the meat and potato guy).

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You have a choice of beef or chicken (crispy or grilled) comes with caramelized grilled onions, applewood smoked bacon, big mac special sauce, white cheddar, crisp left lettuce, fresh tomato on an Artesian Roll. YUM!


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You don’t have to shave your legs, wear high-heels, or really even get a sitter…you could totally have the kiddos sit at the next table over…or there is always drive-thru Haha! Now that’s my kind of date night, no cleaning, no primping, amazing food for a reasonable price, and quality time with my hubby. Sold!


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Calling all the local peeps! That means all followers who live in N. W. Ohio/ S. E. Michigan.
Northwest Ohio McDonalds and Mom on the go in Holy Toledo are giving away 3 Clubhouse Be Our Guest Cards (this way you can try all 3, beef, grilled chicken, and crispy chicken) or you could share, if you wish…got a date night coming up?
To Enter:
1 Like Mom on the go in Holy Toledo
2 Follow @McDonalds_NWOH
3 Simply post a comment stating which Bacon Clubhouse you are going to try first.
Winner will be randomly selected April 3rd @ 11:49am

Disclaimer: I attended a Bacon Clubhouse Sandwich tasting event and received Be our Guest Cards, no other compensation was received, and all opinions are my own.

Poop & Mud must be Spring!!

If one more person asks me if I am happy because Spring starts tomorrow I am going to scream! Not because I am pessimistic but because I know that the ‘actual spring’, you know, with green grass, flowers blooming, etc. is weeks away. The reality is that I am going to be looking out my window at this for the next couple weeks.

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A nice combination of mud, poop, random things that got left in the snow, mud shovel (as my son calls it now), old shutters (what?). Keeping it classy! Haha!


In fact I might be the only one hoping the weather dips below freezing so that it is easier to pick up the piles of poop sprawled across the yard. Seriously, that dog pooped in every square in of this backyard!

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And the worst part of the warmer weather is the fact that the kids long to be outside. And they do go outside and have a great time. But then they come back in!

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And my poor carpet! I just purchased a brand new area rug for our dining room that I absolutely adore. But between the muddy kids and the dog’s paw prints I am seriously considering rolling up all my area rugs and replacing them with shower curtain till the swamp in the backyard disappears. I am dead serious!  And don’t get me started on laundry….wish I could get my hands on a few youth sized hazmat suits.  And momma can forget about wearing those cute strappy sandals and flats for Spring, I will be rocking boots, muddy boot!

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So, to sum it up, Spring in Northwest Ohio means….dirty mounds of snow and if you’re lucky some random trash that has accumulated over the past 4 months, wearing boots for a few more weeks, washing lots of laundry, mopping floors, YELLING “take off your gosh darn shoes” as kids trail mud and poop on your new area rug, lots of ‘hat days’ because it rains in order to make, what else, more mud!!

Thus, no, I am not elated with joy because Spring starts tomorrow. In fact I feel like I should be training for the long haul of washing the dog, kids, clothes, floors. Rinse. Repeat. Haha!

So, what does Spring mean to you? Can you relate? Have any tips or tricks for tackling the mud issue?

Wholesome, Flavorful, & Kid-friendly Meals (includes coupons & recipes!)

When I hear the word Campbell’s my mind goes back to a simpler time.  A time when the biggest decision of the day was what type of cereal I should have for breakfast. When my day would consist of play and not coming home till the street light came on, when there were no iPhones, emails to check, or bills to pay. When I hear the word Campbell’s I think of childhood and warm tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, warm cheesy chicken casseroles, etc. Campbell’s was definitely a staple in my childhood, one that brings back warm, comforting memories. Now I am mom and I have a whole new appreciation for Campbell’s.

Now I am the one picking up and dropping of children at school, friends’ houses, and extracurricular activities. I am the one tending to the household, laundry, helping with homework, and doing the grocery shopping. And this generation of moms has additional items on their daily ‘to do’ list, now there are emails that need to be checked, texts that need to be returned, Facebook messages that need to be addressed, etc. which doesn’t leave mom much time to prepare and cook a homemade meal. So what’s the alternative? Is fast-food the only option for busy on the go moms? Do we have to compromise our families health inorder to meet the demands of our busy schedules? No!

I have found a way to provide my family with wholesome homemade meals without having to clear my schedule for 3 hours in the afternoon or attain a culinary degree.  My secret, Campbell’s. Campbell’s website offers a slew of recipes that are heart healthy and right at your finger tips. Perfect for us busy mommas who don’t have time to go threw a multitude of cookbooks or websites in search of the healthiest options. I also like the fact that the recipes are simple. I am not a fan of recipes that call for 20+ ingredients. I am more of a 12 or less ingredients type of gal. And my family loves the fact that all the meals are full of flavor (apparently in my pre-Campbell days my meals ‘lacked taste’ as my husband so eloquently put it). Here are a few of my families favorites and the best part, they are American Heart Association Certified recipes. Just click on the picture to be directed to the recipe. (You’re Welcome 🙂 ).






Thanks to Campbell’s even I, the girl who received a C in home economics (sad, but true), the mom who is always on the go, the family’s heart health advocate, can provide a wholesome meal that my family loves. Campbell’s and Motherhood, a match made in heaven.

For coupons and special savings on Campbell’s products CLICK HERE.

Between Campbell’s heart healthy recipes and our family staying active together via various family fun activities, such as hikes, dancing, swimming, etc. I can sleep better knowing I am doing the best for my family’s heart health.

So do tell, are you a Campbell’s mom too? What is your favorite recipe? Do you prefer the recipes with short ingredients or long exhausting recipe? How does your family stay heart healthy?

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company. All thoughts are my own.

Reasons #10, #9, & # 8

There are 101 reasons why 3 year olds rule and here are #10, #9, #8…….

We attended a Bowling Birthday Party this past weekend and I managed to capture the interaction, the joy, and pure beauty between our 3 year old and her friend. The images eloquently capture the essence of 3 in  all its glory.


#10 Teamwork/Loves learning to work together….

The bowling ball was really heavy so they came up with the perfect solution, teamwork! Watching the two of them slowing carry the bowling ball to the wrong lane, then the correct lane, and discussing how to actually get the ball down the lane was priceless.

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#9 Friendly…

After they got the ball down the alley they grabbed each other’s hands, it was so natural. It had me thinking about how many times in life I would like to be able to just grab someone’s hand and say, without any words, “I am hear for you, we will get through this together”.

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I love the fact that children have such innocence, everyone is their friend. Why just the other day we were at Costco checking out and there was a little girl in the lane next to us. The girls instantly gravitated towards one another and started talking about their boots and favorite colors. You would have thought they were long lost friends but they had just met.  How beautiful the 3 year old mind is, it hasn’t been tainted by what society deems acceptable. It instantly sees the similarities we each have rather than the differences.  


# 8 Expressive….

After the ball rolled halfway down the alley she started celebrating! Mind you the ball hadn’t even reached the vicinity of the pins yet, but in her mind their endeavor was successful for they were able to get the ball to go down the correct lane together. And that called for celebration. When she celebrates she expresses her pure joy with her entire body.

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How magnificent that at 3 years old we can see the small victories of everyday tasks and take pleasure in it. The question begs, when do we become so hard on ourselves? When do we lose finding the joy in the small victories?

Monster Jam Fun!

My most favorite thing to do on this planet is to enjoy new experiences as a family. And yesterday’s experience ranks in my top ten! Yesterday we had the opportunity to attend Monster Jam! But wait, it gets better.  First we had Pizza in the Pits! The kiddos got to dig in the dirt, color, play, see the trucks up close, eat pizza and other yummy treats, and best of all, meet the drivers and get autographs!!

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I have to be honest; the extent of my knowledge when it came to a Monster Trucks did not venture far beyond my son’s Hot Wheels trucks (which, on a SAHM budget doubles quite nicely as a back massage…just have them use your back as the track). So to see a Monster truck up close and actually look at all the workings was rather fascinating.

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The massive size of the wheels was astonishing. I was in shock when the driver said a new tire, one tire, cost between $2,500 and $3,000. And I thought the tires for the Yukon were pricy!!

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The kiddos were so excited when they met the drivers, especially our 6 year old. He became a little star struck when he asked for their autographs; I never realized the volume of his voice could go so low…now I know. Haha! He really enjoyed the experience, in fact all 3 of them did. I was a little unsure of how they would react to the actual Monster Jam.

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After Pizza in the Pit we located our seats. One word, AMAZING! The seats were perfect! We had a nice view of everything and the best part; Grave Digger and Dragon Breath were parked just beneath us. Those were the kiddos’ favorites.
The show started with a rumble and to my astonishment our 3 year old loved it! I was concerned because she is deathly afraid of thunder or any loud noises and apparently the bond she had made with the trucks before the show was enough to squash any anxiety.

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And then the highlight of the night occurred…..

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Grave Digger flipped!! And with it all the kids!! Our son thought it was so awesome especially when they had to call in reinforcements to help flip it over.

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And then our 3 year old lost it. She literally started crying because she thought the truck would be broken forever. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that our 3 year old little girl would be crying over a Monster truck. Nor did I ever think she would enjoy it so much.

We had such a wonderful time. It truly was fun for the entire family. The kiddos are already looking forward to going again! And in the meantime they are having fun recreating the event with their own Monster truck tracks, play-dough, and Monster trucks. Haha!

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Have you ever been to a Monster Jam event? Have you seen a Monster truck up close? Are your kiddo’s fans of Monster trucks? Do you find those Hot Wheel ones all over the house?

Disclosure: I was given seats to Pizza in the Pit, tickets to Monster Jam, and kiddos received Hot Wheels Monster Jam Maximum deconstruction system, and other goodies. No other compensation was received, and all opinions expressed are my own.

Redirecting our Family’s Focus for Lent

I have been reading the book, Balancing it All, by Candace Cameron Bure for our playgroup’s book club. It has really brought some topics to light regarding family and what my influence is a parent and wife.  It has had me reflecting on ways to redirect my family’s focus and I cannot think of a better time to employ positive change than during Lent.

Coming to the conclusion that I have been slacking as a mom was not easy to admit. Slacking how? Well, structure for one. 2014 has not started off well. With all the snow days and the uncertainty of what the week holds I have become too flexible, too lenient, and structure has fallen by the wayside. I have fallen into a horrible pattern of just doing things myself.  Landry, dishes, cleaning rooms, emptying trash, etc. to the point of exhaustion. I had never worked so hard and yet, I was being a lazy mom.  I haven’t been nurturing in the evening, I raise my voice more often than I would like to admit, and I have not been doing the things I enjoy doing with the children, like reading stories and saying the Rosary in the evening.Thus I have come to the conclusion that the following need to be implemented in order for our family to redirect our focus on what is truly important, growing together in faith.

I have narrowed it down to 3 main areas in our lives that distract us away from God and God’s plan for family: Stress, Screens, and Materialism.

1)      Start our Mornings off right. Instead of the kids having breakfast alone while my husband showers and gets ready for work and I run around like a chicken with its head cut off in search of pants, clean underwear, homework, etc. Everyone will be responsible  (with a little guidance from mom) for their own clothes, book bags, etc. the night before and we have breakfast together. The family table need not be limited to dinner. Why not start the day off together. Over breakfast I will be reading LENT FOR CHILDREN, A Thought a Day, by Family Feast and Feria. My hope is to then have a short discussion and end with a prayer.

2)      Be accountable for Screen Time. We currently have four televisions in our home and a laptop. The television in the living room has the Wii, Netflix, and cable. The television in the basement is hooked up to a DVD for viewing movies. And the laptop has educational websites and games the children enjoy. Just the other day I realized that between video games, Netflix shows, educational websites, and girls watching a movie that we were each entertained by a screen for 5 hours straight!! It is embarrassing to have to admit but owning it is the first step. We will be eliminating cable. But let’s be honest, that isn’t the main culprit. Netflix, though amazing as it is, is very addicting. I mean who doesn’t long to know what happens in the next episode? You definitely need to have self control when it comes to Netflix. But sometimes that willpower doesn’t kick in naturally so, in order to limit screen time I have purchased a kitchen timer for each of the children and we will be implementing the 2 hours or less screen time chart. Each week the children will receive the chart and they will be held accountable for their daily screen time.

3)      Stop being a slave to the stuff! I spend way too much time assisting the children with cleanup of their rooms and family room. I would rather be spending that time doing something fun with them/as a family. The problem is they simply have way to much stuff.  More stuff than their little minds can process. No child needs 30 Barbie’s; in fact the most they could play with at one time is 2, maybe 3. They also have an exorbitant amount of books, some are even duplicated. What we don’t have is adequate storage or space for all the stuff. Thus the stuff has got to go!  I would love to sell tickets for $25 to enter my house and take what you can carry then use the funds for a family vacation. Unfortunately the hubby wasn’t to keen on a bunch of strangers perusing through our home so the next option, downsize. All nicer items will be sold to a secondhand store (children could use that money for their rice bowls), other items will be donated, and some have simply seen better days. I also like the fact that through this process the children can learn what is truly important and it isn’t the stuff, it is the people, their relationships, and most importantly their relationship with God. It is hard to have a relationships with God when you are surrounded by so many distractions a.k.a. Legos, Barbie’s, Power Rangers, cars, princess, etc. would love to do what this mother did, and who knows once I get started we still might…Why I took My Kids Toys Away.

I will also be incorporating the activities on this site, 40 Ideas for 40 Days.

Does your family have Lenten practices? How do you redirect your focus during Lent? Please share.