Where to Grab Coffee in Toledo


Cars are fueled by gasoline and motherhood is fueled by coffee! It’s our BFF when the baby kept us up all night, it’s our companion as we “mom Uber” the entire clan to afterschool activities, it’s our excuse to meet up with other moms, and it’s the slap in the face we need to stay awake on that much needed date night, yep…coffee might just be motherhood’s soul mate! Thankfully there are fueling stations located all over Toledo and the surrounding areas….. Read more

Overdue for a Relaxing “Me” Day? Here Are 4 Ways to Treat Yourself!

This year hasn’t been easy for any of us. With kids back in school, at home or in the classroom, and the holidays fast approaching, that feeling of being overwhelmed hasn’t truly gone away. Never fear: fall is here! This is a great opportunity to spend some time outside, reconnect with family and friends, but most importantly reconnect with yourself. Whether you’ve been on a strict diet, buried in mountains of responsibilities, or just need some “me” time, go ahead and treat yourself. Need some ideas? Try these for starters. Read more

Tips to Organize Your Home for Remote, Virtual, or Hybrid Schooling

Crayons are in the family room, construction paper in the kitchen, glue’s in the basement, and who had the scissors last?  Sound familiar? Before the kiddos’ school district decided to start off the year with remote learning we legit had kids’ school supplies sprawled throughout the house, it drove me insane!  I always said I’d organize it once I found the time, but you know how the saying goes… necessity is the mother of invention, or, in my case, motivation. And nothing motivates a mom quite like knowing all of her kiddos will be starting the school year off at home. So, whether your kiddos are being Home Schooled or doing Remote, Virtual, or Hybrid Schooling here are some great tips to help organize your home for learning!

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Changing From Windows To Mac: Most Common Pain Points

In the 2020s we’re all increasingly reliant on tech. If you’re a Momtrepreneur running her own business, a part-time student juggling your family commitments alongside higher learning, or simply someone who likes to have a computer at home with more capabilities than the average mobile device, you’ve likely had to make the choice of Mac or PC. For years, conventional wisdom (including Apple’s own promotional materials) has led us to believe that a Windows PC is the better choice for business applications, while a Mac is better suited to fun stuff. Remember those “I’m a Mac” “And I’m a PC” ads? They leaned very heavily into that mentality. But in the past decade or so, Apple has become a more ubiquitous presence in our homes and businesses.  Read more

Sauder Village to Host Fiber Arts Fest September 26

Have you ever wondered how a sheep’s wool is transformed into your favorite sweater or warm wooly mittens? To learn more about knitting, spinning, quilting, and other fiber arts, plan a visit to Sauder Village on Saturday, September 26 for the Fiber Arts Fest – a fun-filled, fiber adventure! Read more

How To Plan The Perfect Party

No matter what the occasion might be, or even if there is no particular occasion at all, planning the perfect party can be broken down to a kind of art mixed with a science. If you are keen to plan a party in the near future and you are wondering what you can do to make it easier, and make it more likely to be a great success, then read on. In this article we are going to look at some of the most important considerations you might want to think about in order to make that a reality. As long as you follow these tips, you should be able to plan the perfect party in no time. Read more

5 Strange Things That Happen To You During Pregnancy

If you’ve just discovered that you’re pregnant, a massive congratulations are in order! This will be the most exciting and possibly scary nine months of your life so far. But, it will all be worth it when you bring a beautiful baby into the world at the end. As a first-time mother, you’re probably a bit nervous about what to expect throughout pregnancy. A few things will happen to your body, some of which are more obvious than others. You should know that pregnant women experience massive mood swings and hunger cravings. You’ll also know that a lot of weight gets put on, and you’ll end up with some aches and pains along the way. Read more