Tuesday’s Tip: Car Clutter AHH…

Car Clutter AHHHH……..

Car clutter is inevitable; you are a mom on the go, car pooling, practice, school, grocery store, parties, vacations, etc. In-between the various activities snacks are divvied out, water, juice box’s, baby biscuits, Cheerios, items to occupy time, etc.  There are often enough random eatable items left in our car to feed the family for at least a week, although, that is a diet plan I prefer to skip.  Granted, it is not just the children contributing to this mess, mommy also contributes to the clutter with a half-dozen coffee cups in the front seat. So, how do you maintain a semi clean car with your hectic schedule? You can keep the clutter at bay with this simple acronym, T.O.S.S.


T- Trash

Keep a small garbage bag in the front seat and one in the back with the children. Encourage children to throw all trash and any left over food items into the bag.  This includes you mom, you need to model good habits for the pairs of eyes watching you from the backseat, put the coffee cups in the trash.


Children leave behind various items, a few things I have found in my car includes, pencils, parts of pens, sweaters, underwear, socks, half grilled cheese sandwich (this one was embarrassing, had to move around car seats and a relative was the lucky grilled cheese sandwich winner), toys, keys, sunglasses, tissues, etc. Have children help remove any random objects after each days worth of errands.  If your children are too young to help than do this once a week.

The Handheld Shark is a must for Motherhood. I never travel without mine!


I always have a handheld vacuum plugged in and ready to go.  Grab the vacuum and sweep up any small items like Cheerios, leaves, dirt, etc. once a week.  When you go on a long journey bring the handheld vacuum with you as well as the charger.  Traveling is much easier in a clean vehicle.

S- Sanitize

Once you have tossed the trash, removed the objects, and swept the vehicle it is time to remove any germs that are not seen by the naked eye. I keep a hand towel and small spray bottle filled with vinegar, water, and lemon juice for this very purpose. Spray down the door handles, any random sticky goo, cup holders, radio, and don’t forget your steering wheel; it has nine times more germs than a public restroom (makes you want to wash your hands? Go ahead, I will wait).

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Donating Done Easily

No more Kittens Losing their Mittens

Travel While You Train (Potty Train)

Kelly’s Kits: Multisensory tool, Geography lesson, Contests and more!

We received our Kelly’s Kit last week and the kiddos were beyond excited! They were begging me to open the box so they could see the fun that awaited them inside the package! So we tore that sucker open and our 6 year screamed with excitement when we saw that it was Kelly’s Klay! (Each month is different so it is exciting to see what surprise is inside).

So we retrieved the directions and started mixing up the clay.


Then each kiddo had a chance to play with the clay. 

For our preschooler and toddler we used Kelly Klay as a multisensory tool to teach letter and number identification!  We simply formed the clay into alphabet letters and numbers.  I then encourage each to identify the letter they made and practice the phonic sounds of each.  As an added bonus I had our preschool, with a little help from his older sister, do a few addition problems with the numbers.  For example, I formed a 2, +, and 3, and then he formed the solutions, the number 5.


For our first grader we focused on geography, to be more precise, the state she resides in, Ohio. She formed the clay into the shape of the state, identified the major cities, and included a couple of rivers.  Not bad for a six-year-old.

The kiddos have been playing with the clay since we opened the package. We stored it in an airtight container so they could quiz each other on addition equations and their phonics whenever they pleased (I got it out while I prepared dinner, it was perfect, they were occupied for a few minutes and I liked the fact that they were having fun while learning, that is what I like most about Kelly’s Kits).

Yesterday they did finally decide on a Krazy Kritter for the Masterpiece Challenge. What is the Masterpiece challenge? Glad you asked….

Masterpiece Challenge (all ages): Use simple “found” objects to incorporate into your Kelly Klay assemblage and create a Krazy Kritter! Found objects can include: buttons, dried pasta, rice, beans, nuts & bolts, toothpicks, corks, old jewelry, bottle caps, use your imagination!!!! Found object art is using “found” items that have a non-art purpose to create art from! Submit your entries to win a $50 visa card!

Please say hello to Happy Rainbow Turkey (yep, they all decided on that name). Wish them luck!

We so enjoyed this month’s Kelly’s Kit and can’t wait for next months to arrive! Want in on all the fun?  Enter to win one of 10 annual memberships valued at $99.90 each!  BONUS: Everyone who enters will also get a promotional code for FREE Kit (one-time $2.49 shipping fee applies). Click here to be linked to the facebook page, click like, and then enter to receive your promotional code for a FREE Kit and your chance to win an annual subscription. Good Luck!

Moms’ Timeout Show & Organic allergen-free Candy Giveaway!

Calling all moms, do you feel like you are a walking zombie, are you having trouble getting through the witching hour, do you feel like you are in the twilight zone? If you answered yes to any of these help is on the way, simply click on the video below to learn some serious, and humorous, ways to Survive the Tricks & Treats of Motherhood!

And now for the Giveaway!

YummyEarth is giving away a package of their amazing lollipops. Why are they so amazing? Because they are:

  • Certified Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Contain no Artificial Dyes
  • 100% Natural Flavors
  • 100% Vegan
  • Tree-nut Free
  • GMO-Free
  • Peanut-Free
  • Soy-Free
  • Wheat-Free
  • Dairy-Free
  • No MSG
  • No Corn Syrup
  • Casein-Free


You might be thinking wow…so, what is left?  Real fruit extracts….they help flavor and color YummyEarth! And they taste amazing…my kiddos eat them up. YummyEarth products are great treats for your kiddos to take to school parties because they do not contain ingredients that children are commonly allergic to. I personally like these lollipops as incentives for potty training. You Poop you get a lolliPop!

To read more about YummyEarth’s inventors (two dads, I love that!) and their focus on making sure the ingredients are grown responsibly… on small family farms, enabling hard-working families to earn a fair income while avoiding harsh pesticides and unsustainable farming practices. CLICK HERE


Like Mom on the go in Holy Toledo’s facebook page

Like Lilly’s Kitchen Lab’s facebook page

Like YumEarth’s facebook page

Then post a comment stating you have done so and give a guesstimate of how many different types of headpieces we wore throughout the clip and/or which one was your favorite!

Winner will be randomly selected on Halloween!

Tuesday’s Tip: Donating Done Easily

I realize most moms always have the best intentions of donating to a charity on a regular basis but it can be difficult – life gets in the way. Also with the current state of the economy most families are on a strict budget leaving little room for charities. But it can be done. After some trial and error we have adopted a foolproof method for collecting items for our local charities at a fraction of the price – and you can too with these simple steps.

  1. Purchase a bin; you can decide what size works best based on how many items you will be donating and how frequently you will donate. (I have a small one I keep in my pantry and a larger one in the basement to place the items when the smaller bin is full).
  2. Print off the charities wish list.
  3. Tape that wish list on the inside lid of bin.
  4. Before a trip to the grocery store reference the list with the weekly ad, note if any items are on sale, then take it a step further, clip for the cause, check your coupons to see if you have any for the items that are listed. Write those items down, grab the coupons, and hit the road.
  5. When you get home place those items in the bin. I like to have mine conveniently placed in the pantry but you can decide what location works best for you.
  6. Then, determine a day that you will designate as donation day and drive to the charity and drop off your donation. I often wait till I have a large bin to donate, usually every other month.

Once you are in the habit of referencing the charity’s list prior to a grocery trip donating can become second nature and thanks to the weekly deals and coupons the items cost mere pennies.

Learning Opportunity

Whenever possible be certain to share what you are doing with your children. Explain why the bin is there, that others do not have everything that your family has, and why it is important to donate. Also, when possible, have your children go with you to donate the goods.

Spooktacular Saturday fun!

Saturdays in October always mean one thing in our house, Spooktacular Fun!

Last Saturday we went Trunk or Treating with friends from our playgroup.  For those who are not familiar with Trunk or Treating it is when a community establishment (church, business, school, etc.) comes together, parks their cars in the parking lot, pops open their trucks, decorates them, and then passes out candy as children walk up to their vehicles. There is often some incentive to decorate the best trunk too!


I have to be honest I do find it a little amusing that from the moment our children can walk we, as parents, preach stranger danger, exclaiming that they should never approach a stranger in a car and to never ever take candy from a stranger in a car. Then what do we do, go Trunk or Treating, haha. Perhaps I am sending mixed messages to our toddler?

After Trunk or Treating we headed home and made some Frankenslim! So much fun, you can read more about it here.


Later that evening we had family movie night and since it was a Spooktacular Saturday we watched Casper!


But the Spooktacular fun did not stop there, while watching the movie we all enjoyed brain cupcakes, yum!


We so enjoyed our Spooktacular Saturday!

Are you looking for something fun to do tomorrow that will make your family’s Saturday Spooktacular? Then check this out….




The Heart of Christmas: A Life Changing Movie (Review and GIVEAWAY)

After running around town this morning dropping off our preschooler at a field trip, picking him up from his field trip, then dropping off our 6-year-old at school (she had a delay start), and going back to pick up our preschooler from school I realized that I had driven up and down the same street 6 times between the hours of 9 & 11:30am with our toddler in tow. By the time I got home I felt so frazzled and so behind, I did not accomplish anything this morning (besides driving). That overwhelmed feeling was multiplied as I opened the door and was greeted by the pile of laundry that was dumped on the coffee table while one of the kiddos search for an article of clothing this morning, the Legos that were left sprawled on the floor from the night before, the shoes tossed right by the front door, the fingerprints all over the window from our toddler getting into the markers, etc.  So I rushed to feed the kiddos and started doing the dishes while they ate lunch. After they had lunch and went down for a nap/quiet time I hit my “to do list” hard! So much to do so little time!

First things first, I had been putting my review of The Heart of Christmas off for the past two days trying to find the perfect time to view it and I couldn’t put it off any longer. So I grabbed some laundry to fold (always multitasking) while I began watching The Heart of Christmas.  And WOW! The gift I received having had the opportunity to watch the film is difficult to put into words. 

The Heart of Christmas tells the story of Austin and Julie Locke, who are devastated to learn that their young son, Dax, has been diagnosed with cancer.  With courage, determination and faith, they decide to give Dax one last Christmas – even if it has to be in October.  When the community sees the holiday decorations and learns the heartbreaking truth, what happens next is a miraculous outpouring of care and support.  The Heart of Christmas will touch your heart and bring home the spirit of the holidays. In stores now!

Movie Trailer



Half a box of Kleenex later and I think I am now able to maintain some composure and share the amazing gift The Heart of Christmas has given me and our family.

The film opens with a mom who is very busy; in fact she forgets that she needs to take her son trick-or-treating that evening, drop her daughter off at an overnight, and that her daughter had a game the next day. She reminded me of someone…but whom? Oh, that’s right, me! Then, while in the neighborhood where she is dropping off her daughter and trick-or-treating with her son she stumbles upon Christmas decorations, the neighborhood is decorated for Christmas, not Halloween. So she inquires about what is going on and it is then that she is told about Locke’s blog and her life and mine change from that moment on.

I don’t want to give too much away, I do not what to rob you of the amazing gift that this movie provides when you view it but I will let you know that Dax’s parents are told, that after exhausting all options and treatments, that he will not live past 6 weeks. As a parent you can’t help but to put yourself in their shoes and think about your own children and all the things you would be feeling if this was your child. Like the fact they would never experience their first kiss, driving, prom, dating…no more Christmases! I became a hot mess when Julie, Dax’s mom, realized that her son will never see another Christmas…one of the most magical times of the year for a child and the child in all of us. What the community does next is heartwarming and beyond amazing.

After viewing The Heart of Christmas guess who is now cherishing those fingerprints all over the window…the legos sprawled across the floor…little shoes by the front door?  Guess who has suddenly found the time to sit down and have a snack with her children and inquire about their days while gazing into their eyes as opposed to running around completing daily chores? This mom! Thank Dax, Julie and Austin, their community, St. Jude’s, Matthew West, and everyone who contributed to The Heart of Christmas…thank you for reminding me what is truly important everyday, not just on special occasions. And I thank God for my family, my sweet babies and their health, and I pray for all the families out their who have a loved one near the end of their lifetime.

To learn more about the Locke Family, Dax, and the what you can do to help please checkout The Dax Locke Foundation.

This is the perfect film to give your loved ones this Christmas because it is more than just a movie, it is a reminder that life is short and how important it is to treasure the time we have and they will thank you for it, trust me!

To be entered into the giveaway for The Heart of Christmas DVD (retail value $27.97)

  1. Like Mom on the go in Holy Toledo Facebook Page
  2. Like Sling Shot Pictures Heart of Christmas Facebook Page
  3. Comment in the thread stating you have done so and share a favorite Christmas tradition in your community, family, or house.

Winner will be randomly selected Oct 22nd.



Thought I would leave you wiht this Video by Matthew West based on Dax’s story

Tuesday’s Tip: No more Kittens losing their Mittens

It is that time of year again; time to get out the hats, mittens, and scarves.  This also means adding at least five minutes to your departure time in the morning which can wreak havoc on your child’s attendance record if mommy doesn’t plan accordingly. Not to mention, mommy doesn’t want to have to walk into the school’s front office and explain why her child was tardy while wearing her robe under her short pea-coat. That is just an embarrassing moment for all parties that are involved, the kiddos, the secretary, and mom.

Eldest daughter’s hats & mittens

So to save everyone for any embarrassing situations at the school’s front office this winter here is a handy tip to help shave off at least a few seconds in the morning.  Keep a small baggy or jar filled with clothes pins next to your winter weather basket (this is where you store the hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves and the basket should ideally be next to the front or back door. This minimizes the trail of melting snow throughout your home).  This way when the children get home from school or come in from playing outside they can simply grab a clothes pin and pin their mittens or gloves together.  Thus there will be no more scavenger hunts that involve retracing your child’s steps from the day before in hope of finding that other mitten during the morning chaos.


Added tip: Moms always color coordinate your kiddos mittens, hats, and scarves.    Sometimes your children can wear the same mittens or hat from last year but perhaps they outgrew their coat. If each child has a specific color scheme this can make purchasing a new coat or winter item effortless and you don’t have to start from scratch purchasing all new winter gear each year.

For more of my Tuesday’s tips please check out:

5 Minutes for Mom Tackle it Tuesday: Travel Torture

5 Minutes for Mom Tackle it Tuesday: Travel While you Train

5 minutes for Mom Tackle it Tuesday: Manage Morning Mayhem


So the kiddos have been begging to make some slime, in particular my son, ever since we visited Imagination Station and they had a demo on the green stuff.  So we got on the Imagination Station website and jotted down all the necessary ingredients.

What you need:

• 1 cup hot water

• 1.5 tsp. Borax (non-toxic/available by laundry detergents)

• 2 cups clear glue

• 2 cups warm water

• 1 tsp. liquid watercolor

Thankfully we had almost everything but the borax. Then we followed the direction and whipped up a fresh batch of slime!

 What to do:

1. Mix 1 cup hot water and 1.5 tsp. of Borax until dissolved. Set aside.

2. Mix 2 cups of clear glue and 2 cups of warm water together in a plastic bowl.

3. Using a metal spoon, slowly pour Borax mixture into the glue mixture while stirring quickly. Stir until the mixture leaves the side of the bowl. Slime will be sticky. Knead the mixture until it is no longer sticky. The more you work with it the easier it will become. (Source)


While my daughters had fun mixing it together they did not like the texture. However my son got a kick out of it, he had so much fun playing with the slime that he didn’t even want dinner, imagine that! While they mixed up the ingredients to make the slim and played with the slime I discussed the science behind it.


What’s the science?

Slime is an excellent example of a polymer. Polymers are large molecules consisting of repeating identical structural units connected by covalent chemical bonds. Polymers can be naturally occurring or manmade. Manmade polymers are materials like nylon, polyester, and polystyrene. Examples of naturally occurring polymers are proteins in our body like tubulin and actin. These proteins make up microtubules and microfilaments that serve as structural components within our cells.(Source)

After we played with the slime for a while it was time to put it away for dinner but we wanted to have it around for the next couple of weeks for some Spooktacular fun!  So we decided to make little Frankenslimes.

What you need:

  • Mason jar
  • An old black t-shirt cut into squares
  • Silver Pipe Cleaner
  • Google eyes (2)
  • Permanent marker


  1. Place slime in Mason jar.
  2. Place round plate of lid on top of jar then place pipe cleaner on top followed by old black t-shirt square and tighten the lid.
  3. Add google eyes, use marker for mouth and stitches.


Storage: Slime will keep for up to 3 weeks in an airtight container. DO NOT discard down the drain, throw away in the trash.

Thought I might include some more fun info on slime…..

History about Slime:

Slime as a toy dates back to the 1920′s, when chemist Hermann Staudinger was researching polymers. He was the first one to try and make long cross-linked chains of the molecules instead of circles. This allowed the polymer to be slippery and gooey. By the 1930′s other scientists used his polymer model and synthetic polymers began to be studied and created. But it wasn’t until the 1980′s that slime began to be sold in stores as a toy for children. Ever since then you can’t step into a toy store without seeing the gooey, oozy stuff on the shelves. The slime you find in the store and the slime you can make with this recipe are both non-Newtonian fluids. Did you try to make it and answer the questions about its properties? If so, read on to find out about non-Newtonian fluids. (Source)

Motherhood and McDonald’s: Allies?

A few weeks back I received an email inviting me to McDonald’s for an Open Door Tour.

The invitation stated that I could have the opportunity to go behind-the-counter at McDonald’s and learn about their commitment to offer improved nutrition choices, their wholesome menu items, and how their quality food  is prepared. Then have the chance to hear about McDonalds’s involvement through Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Ohio.

Honesty, the first thing that crossed my mind after reading the invitation was that nutrition and wholesome menu should not be in the same sentence as McDonald’s. The second thought that crossed my mind was that I would be interested in hearing more about Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Ohio. I would really like to get involved with that charity and this might be the perfect opportunity to learn more and share with readers. So I mulled it over for a few minutes and with a somewhat skeptical, I dare you to prove me wrong type of attitude, I RSVP yes!

So the day of the Open Door Tour arrived and I dropped my kiddos off with my sister and headed to McDonalds’.  On the way there I couldn’t help but think of my relationship with McDonald’s and where it went wrong.

As a young child McDonald’s was a special treat we would have on occasion. And on really, really special occasions we, my sister, brother, and I would receive Happy Meals and yes, it made us very happy. McDonald’s was an experience, not just a fast food restaurant…it was the feeling you would get as a child walking through the doors, seeing Ronald, and having those golden arch handles on a Happy Meal box handed over to you, and then eagerly opening the box to reveal the price inside. It was beautiful. I was loving it! But somewhere along the way I lost that loving feeling.

I think it was all the gossip and hearsay, the trans-fats, pink slim, dirty dinning rooms, and Super Size Me (which I did think was a tad ridiculous, no one makes you purchase food, you have the free will to purchase a healthier alternative) that got in the way.  Perhaps it was all misconceived nonsense; perhaps I should give this relationship another go? But I am a mother now, and I need to put my children first.  Motherhood and McDonald’s might not mix. As a mom and wife I want healthy options for my family and I don’t want to have to go home and research what I want to order in order to find out the nutritional value. But I owed it to McDonald’s to try to give it another go.

Once I arrived at McDonald’s and seconds after I opened the door guess who was the first person I saw? Ronald! So first things first I had to get a pic with an old childhood memory. I have to admit McDonald’s was very clever having him there, well-played McDonald’s, and it almost worked, I was a little distracted from the nostalgia but I  managed to stayed focused.

After a few words from the owner the tour, excuse me, the behind-the-counter tour commenced. As I walked behind the counter my skepticism showed its ugly face and my eyes wandered floor to ceiling looking for any signs of dirt, dust, old food, etc. anything gross. But I found nothing; in fact, you could probably literally eat off of the floor. While searching for any signs of less than quality cleanliness I was interrupted by the words, menu board labeling. What?

McDonald’s is listing the calorie information on restaurant and drive-thru menus to help customers and employees make nutrition-minded food choices. Seriously!?!  You mean I know longer have to research a potential meal prior to visiting? No more research, I could get on board with that. And my hubby who has a great relationship with McDonald’s can hopefully make wiser choices when ordering (A loving wife’s dream come true…thank you McDonald’s!). He might love McDonald’s but I love his heart and maybe, just maybe, McDonald’s and I could find a common ground.  Speaking of grounds….

Hello gorgeous! Anyone who knows me knows that I am an avid coffee lover and up until recently I had a great thing going with Starbucks. Well, we had a falling out and I have been looking around for something new, something reliable, something freshly ground on site, and looks like I have found it and at McDonald’s, really!?! I feel like McDonald’s has really grown and might just be ready for a grownup relationship, one that includes iced coffees and lattes. And while I am there in the morning I have got to try McDonald’s Oatmeal, others were raving about it. But it would be hard to pass up an Egg McMuffin that is on 300 calories. Speaking of the Egg McMuffin….

Have you ever wondered how they get the egg to perfectly form to a shape the fits the English muffin like a glove? No? Well I have and I often wondered about those eggs, do they actually have an egg that they crack or is it some weird pre-mix concoction?  I found out that they do use real eggs and yes, they crack them into a pre-form type of thing, see photo. How cool is that? I want one. Oh, and I almost forgot, McDonald’s has been listening to us moms and is going to be offering a egg-white breakfast sandwich on an English Muffin made with 8 grams of whole grain, how cool is that? Okay, it is official, brace yoursleves…I am lovin it!

As the tour finished up and I walked back through the kitchen my skepticism had lifted and I found myself seeing McDonald’s from a whole new perspective, from the perspective of a pleased customer, a customer whose voice had been heard. In addition to the nutritional improvements previously mentioned McDonald’s also plans on adding seasonal fruits and vegetables during peak seasons, adding more side options for the children’s meals in addition to grilled chicken options, and that Happy Meal that I so fondly remember from childhood now automatically includes apple slices and a mini French fries and the option of 1% low-fat white milk.

And what better way to commemorate the occasion than over lunch. Lunch was provided to us (thank you…thank you so much) and we were given the instructions to order whatever we would like…hmm…what to order?  Since I was still in a nostalgic state of mind I opted for…wait for it…the Happy Meal! Yep, mommy got a Happy Meal all to herself and did not have to cook, cut, wipe, prep, etc. just me, some great blogging moms who also attended the event, and my Happy Meal and iced coffee…livin the life! And yes, I’m lovin it!

So, it is official, McDonald’s and I have mended our relationship. As a wife and mom I am quite pleased with the changes McDonald’s has and will continue to incorporate into their menu and service in order to make my visit to McDonald’s an experience once again (oh, and this time I can bring my laptop…Free WI-FI). I guess Motherhood and McDonald’s can be allies and work together to provide convenience food that is also nutritious (because God knows mommy needs a break every once in a while from cooking…and mommy needs her caffeine).

Ronald, I couldn’t have said it better myself, yep, that is truly something.

So my day started off with skepticism and ended with me proudly flaunting McDonald’s swag!

Oh, and about the Ronald McDonald’s House Charities, I might just have a reason to dust these off…..The Red Shoe Society!

Do you remember how much fun a Happy Meal was when you were a kid? Do you take your children to McDonald’s? If not would you consider visiting McDonald’s now that they have made improvements to the menu?

K5 Learning Review and 14 days FREE Lessons

I had the fortunate opportunity to have a mom’s night out with a couple other mommies last week.   We discussed a slew of topics but of course, they all revolved around our main focus, our children. We had gotten on the topic of schools. My daughter attends the public school and I know that some of the other moms have children that are younger and they haven’t decided if home schooling, sending their children to private school, or public school is the best fit for their families. What we did all agree on is the importance of our children living up to their potential, being challenged, and the need for parental involvement in their children’s education.

As a mom to 3 kiddos I know my limits and boundaries and I know that home schooling is not a good fit for me personally. I know that though I have good time management skills I do struggle with distractions. Yes, there you have it, truth is told! I can be distracted easily, whether it is another child requiring my attention, or even, the dryer buzzing. I also become mentally exhausted after teaching my toddler her colors, the alphabet, doing puzzles together, encouraging her to use her words, and then aiding my preschooler in spelling words correctly, as opposed to the random letters he writes then instantly requests that I state the word he wrote (Why at this age do they assume any combination of letters written together equals a word!! Why!?!), and what is appropriate and inappropriate…to say…wear…do…etc. I know my adorable little 1st grader yearning for knowledge would get lost in the mix and would more than likely receive what little bit of patience I had left, she would be receiving less than she deserves. And the household, forget about it!

However, just because my limits do not permit me to be the best possible school teacher for my child I am still very much involved. My husband and I want our children to excel and push their limits so to speak,when it comes to education. Knowledge is something that you have forever; it cannot be taken away from you.  And it is one of the best gifts we can give our children (first being faith).

So, that being stated I wanted to share with you something I shared with my mommy friends last week.  A couple of weeks back my daughter and I checked out K5 Learning online. First I perused the site and was extremely pleased to see that they offer the parents their own dashboard and access to their child’s lesson plans, reports, and progress. There are math fact reports that parents can look at specific equation that children completed correctly or incorrectly. From that initial review I have been hooked. As a parent I like K5 Learning because:

  • The parent dashboard options
  • The fact they offer spelling (audio of the word), math, and reading.
  • I also liked the fact that there is a free online placement assessment in reading and math.  The idea is to gauge skill levels in different areas (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, site words, comprehension, numbers/operations, geometry and measurement) and cue the lessons at an appropriate starting point in each.  
  • I also like the fact that I do not need to be present the entire time (in case the dryer buzzes). K5 features automatic lesson selection; in case you don’t want to be as actively involved in selecting lessons each day, but do want to know your child is progressing through the material in a logical way.  To facilitate this, the system automatically chooses the next lesson each day and at the end of a lesson she has the options to click on the green traffic light to continue or the red to stop.
    Please click here for a more thorough explanation of K5 Learning.

And our daughter adores K5! In addition to her regular schooling our daughter has fun using her screen time completing K5 lessons. Truth be told, here I go getting all honest again; she practically begs me every day to use my computer for K5 Learning.

So, whether you decide to home school, send your children to private or public school K5 Learning is a great partner for your child’s education.

Click here to get started on your FREE trial today!

Disclosure: K5 Learning has an online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students.  I’ve been given a 6 week free trial to test and write a review of their program.  If you are a blogger, you may want to check out their open invitation to write an online learning review of their program.