What’s St. Nicholas Day?

It’s the first week of Advent! And as many moms, I’m a mix of overwhelmed and overjoyed at the impending Christmas season. My “to-do” list is lengthy, between work, getting grades in, grad-school papers, projects, exams, purchasing presents, wrapping, decorating, getting Christmas clothes, etc. And yet, what’s my most significant struggle? Not allowing the pressure of “bringing the joy” of the Christmas season to my children, family, and loved ones to rob me of one of my most significant gifts, being present! Here’s a great example, it dawned on me that today is St. Nicholas’ day last night while seated on the couch at 10 pm having a rare bonding moment with my 16-year-old son (sons just don’t come up to you and spill all the tea on their lives on the daily, so this was a big deal) I could have rushed off to the store to get everything I needed to make the morning a great surprise but then I would have missed out on one of the greatest gifts, the vulnerability and pure bonding moment. I chose wisely and I officially moved our St. Nicholas “morning” to tomorrow. Moms don’t miss out on the pure genuine beauty of this season because your mind was distracted by the “to-do list”. And while traditions are magnificent don’t be afraid to alter or adjust them as your family grows, matures, and changes. Still working on your family traditions? May I suggest these, ten Magical Events to Attend with the Kids this Christmas in Toledo. And I can’t forget one of the oldest traditions passed down from generation to generation, St. Nicholas Day! Well, St. Nicholas Eve…when the kiddos sit out their shoes in hopes that St. Nicholas will arrive while they sleep. Not familiar with the Feast of St. Nicholas?

Who was St. Nicholas? 

The real St. Nicholas lived a long time ago in a place called Asia Minor. It is now the country of Turkey. His family was Greek and his name was Nicholas.

Nicholas’ parents died when he was a teenager. They left him a lot of money which made him a rich young man. Nicholas went to live with his uncle who was a priest.

Nicholas heard about a man who had lost all his money. He had three daughters who were old enough to get married. But in those days young women had to have money to get married. This money was a “dowry” and it was used to help the new family get started. If you didn’t have dowry money, you didn’t get married. READ MORE 

Our St. Nicholas Eve Tradition…

On the Eve of St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 5th) the kiddos all put their shoes outside their bedrooms before they go to bed and in the morning they rush over to see what St. Nicholas had left.  Often find the classics, candy canes, cuties, oranges, apples, and a special ornament for the Christmas Tree that we cut down on St. Nicholas Day. 

10 Fun St. Nicholas Day activities…

St. Nicholas Cutout 

 St. Nicholas memory game

A crossword puzzle

Click here for puzzles to print off for your children.

Click here for more puzzle options.

St. Nicholas Day Spice Cookies

St. Nicholas Day Blessing of Candy Canes

St. Nicholas Day Desserts 

Does your family celebrate St. Nicholas Day? Do you have a unique tradition or perhaps one you hope to start this year? 

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