What Are Good Types of Clothing For a Baby?

Baby clothing terminology can be a little confusing because there are so many distinct terms. You can buy several types of clothing for your baby, depending on the season. For instance, if your child is born in spring, you should purchase waterproof outerwear made of plastic or rubber. Cotton will keep them warm in colder weather, but it tends to hold water and not dry quickly. Wool is a better choice for inner layers because it absorbs water and keeps your baby warm.

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Things To Consider When Choosing a Midwife

There are a number of reasons a pregnant person may choose to have a midwife walk alongside their journey. For many, it’s an easy decision to make. But for some, it’s challenging to consider the option when there isn’t enough information. Let’s take a closer look at some common considerations when it’s time to choose a midwife.

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A Checklist To Prepare For Your Newborn Baby

With a baby on the way, one of the most exciting things you can do is prepare for their arrival. From purchasing the things you’ll need to arranging a space for them to sleep, there’s a lot you can plan to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. 

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5 Strange Things That Happen To You During Pregnancy

If you’ve just discovered that you’re pregnant, a massive congratulations are in order! This will be the most exciting and possibly scary nine months of your life so far. But, it will all be worth it when you bring a beautiful baby into the world at the end. As a first-time mother, you’re probably a bit nervous about what to expect throughout pregnancy. A few things will happen to your body, some of which are more obvious than others. You should know that pregnant women experience massive mood swings and hunger cravings. You’ll also know that a lot of weight gets put on, and you’ll end up with some aches and pains along the way. Read more