What Should You Do When a Window Breaks in Your Home?

Sometimes accidents happen and windows break. However, dealing with broken glass from a window is very different than a shattered cup. You will need to take some extra safety precautions and follow a precise set of steps to get everything cleaned up and a new window installed. Here’s what to do when a window breaks in your home. 

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Ensure Everyone’s Safety

Windows often break suddenly and by accident, so the first thing you need to do is see if the glass harmed anyone. If anyone was injured, get them to a location where they can receive medical attention immediately. Any glass stuck in wounds will need to be removed, cuts will need to be washed, and large gashes may need stitches to ensure they heal properly. 

Isolate the Area

After checking for injuries, you must figure out how to keep all people and pets away from the broken window and shattered glass. It is essential to keep any pets, infants, and toddlers away from the area, so they don’t crawl, walk, or run through the broken glass. Closing off the room is the best option, although creating a barricade is another idea for homes with an open floorplan. 

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Clean Up the Broken Shards

According to glass industry expert Donald Friese, you should don safety gloves and start cleaning by picking up the largest shards first. However, you need to be very careful and conscious of safety while doing this task. Never attempt to clean up the glass without safety gloves on. Next, place the shards into a container you no longer need and set them aside. Instead of disposing of the shards as you would your normal garbage, you should leave them for the glass professionals to take. 

Use a vacuum to suck up the shards which are too small to pick up, and then immediately dispose of the bag or empty the canister into the same container you placed the shards. A few hours later, vacuum the area again to ensure you pick up all the glass particles and dispose of that bag or empty that canister into the container. 

Secure the Frame

Depending on the window type and technology in the glass, the remaining shards in the frame could be dangerous, so you need to secure them. While doing this process, it is important to wear safety gloves. In addition, safety goggles or glasses are important because they keep glass particles from entering your eyes. 

Once you have donned your safety gear, use pieces of tape to secure any remaining pieces of glass to the frame to keep them from falling out. If you can’t get a contractor out to replace the glass that day, you will need to put up plastic over the window opening. Document any markings or codes you notice on the frame and remaining glass shards to make finding a replacement pane easier. 

Find a Replacement

After cleanup, you will need to find a professional who can help you with the replacement process. Make sure you find a certified contractor who can either replace the pane or the entire window for you. You will want to give them any information you have about the size and materials of the window and frame so they can help you find the perfect fit. 

The aftermath of a broken window can be difficult to deal with. Fortunately, knowing what you are undertaking before starting the process can help things go smoothly. The biggest thing to remember is taking appropriate precautions and wearing safety gear while cleaning up the glass. Then, follow these steps for the best possible outcome. 

One thought on “What Should You Do When a Window Breaks in Your Home?

  • Thanks for pointing out the need to secure the remaining shards in the frame as they can be dangerous. With this in mind, I will ask the management of the condominium building where I have been staying for over three years now to hire an emergency board-up service, instead. A huge glass window on the second floor of the building ended up getting shattered, and they do not want the problem to put everyone’s safety at risk.

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