10 Tips for Planning a Graduation Party 

Congratulations Mom, you did it, I mean, they did it!  But you helped, you guided, assisted, and navigated them through many of life’s hurdles including solid foods, learning to walk, allergies, potty training, first crush, exams, projects, presentations, bad haircuts, loss of friendships, college applications, new friendships, teenage resistance, learning how to drive, etc. It can be an emotional time for both you and your graduate. Navigating the nuances of throwing a graduation party for the first time might seem an immense undertaking. Don’t know where to start? I’m sharing my recent grad’s graduation party and sharing 10 tips to help you plan your graduate’s graduation party. 

I will preface this with a warning, Maycember (May + December because May is just as busy if not busier than December) is a brutal month especially if you work in the schools, you are drained and overextended, so I suggest you begin this process after or even before spring break. So without further ado, here are 10 tips for planning a graduation party.

1. Choose the Right Venue (3-4 months before the event)

Shouldn’t you select a date first? Ideally, the event date would be the first thing to be decided, however, the party date will be contingent on when your venue is available. With that being said, think about the venue you want, you want something that will be easily accessible to all guests, that will be convenient for you, a place your grad will enjoy, and most importantly, fun! It’s a party after all! 

This is why we chose the Yager Center at Swancreek Metropark. Our high school graduate has fond memories here and it also has amenities perfect for guests, me as the host, and it is an ideal location. During 2020 and 2021 we frequented this park it became our favorite. We had many picnics in the car followed by visits to both playgrounds connected via a stroll and an awesome experience over the swinging footbridge.  Every kid loves the swinging bridge! Additionally, the Yager Center isn’t too far from the expressway making it convenient for out-of-town guests as the host I enjoyed the amenities the facility offered including a kitchen with a large fridge, private restrooms, drinking fountains and entrance/exit for guests, tables, chairs, and beautiful space. 

I recommend checking out the availability of your Local Metropark or park facilities. Having the party in a space other than your home makes the time leading up to the party more enjoyable, you aren’t cleaning like a mad woman trying to prep the indoors and outdoors of your home. Additionally, accommodations like parking, toilet paper, tables & chairs, any potential facility malfunctions are someone else responsibility. Weather also plays a factor, if the heat index gets too high or there are torrential downpours that can put a damper on the party. I say delegate as much as possible so you do not overextend yourself and you can focus your attention on guests.

2. Select a Date (3-4 months before the event)

After a venue has been decided it will be easy to determine a date for the party based on when the facility and your schedules correlate. 

3. Reserve the DJ (3-4 months before the event)

A DJ? Is a DJ necessary? Well, depending on where the party is and the amount of responsibility and fun you want your party to exude I recommend a DJ. Contemplate it, can you be attentive to guests that come and go, chat, take pictures, hit replay on the slideshow running on the monitor, replenish food, and be the DJ? It is one less task that you are responsible for, you can be more attentive to guests especially those who come from out of town, and you can dictate the entire playlist if you wish. 

4. Create a Guests List and Send Out Invitations (a month before the event)

Sit down with your graduate create a guest list and send out invitations. There’s no shortage of options for graduation invitations, they can be printed off, handwritten, or sent via social media platforms. 

5. Order the Food (1-3 months before the event)

When ordering the food bear in mind the season, the weather, and the ease of partygoers. For example, if you are hosting an open house you wouldn’t have a catered sitdown dinner. Since most parties are in the summer during warm, hot humid days a heavy meal probably isn’t the best either. Simple grab-n-go items are probably best. That being said most caterers offer these options. Food trucks are also popular or you can do the legwork yourself. 

We opted for simple cold-cut sandwiches, meat and cheese trays, cookies, chips, and graduation cake all from Costco. The beverages, soda pop, sparkling water, water bottles, and wine came from Costco. 

6. Purchase Decorations (1-3 months before the event)

When it comes to the decorations you have options, you can try to select the school colors of your graduate or go with the classic black, silver, and gold and potentially reuse said decorations in the future. Also, contemplate how each party zone, the areas for gifts, drinks, food, graduate diplomas, pictures, etc., will be decorated. I’m a huge fan of balloons, they add depth and vertical decor to the space. Keep in mind, when decorating most facilities require command strips or mounting putty, no pushpins or tape. 

7. Capture the Graduation Celebration Photos

When deciding on decorations don’t forget a fun photo booth where the graduate can take fun memorable and even silly pics with guests. 

Assign a close family member or friend to capture candid pics. You will be busy greeting guests and attending to hostess/host obligations and responsibilities. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help, and when someone asks to help don’t be afraid to assign a job or task. 

8. Schedule Delivery of Balloons (1-3 months before the event)

Party City offers free delivery on their balloons, I highly recommend this or locating another business that offers something comparable, that last thing you want to do on the day of the vent is take multiple trips to pick up and drop off balloons. 

9. Celebrate the Graduates Achievements (month of the event)

Designate a party zone for the graduate’s achievements, diplomas, awards, photobooks from school, etc., and have something available for guests to sign and offer their best advice for the graduates as they enter their next chapter in life. 

10. Day of the event

Place all decorations, plates, cups, tablecloths, achievements, command stripes, scissors, signage, etc. in tubs with lids. Pick up food, beverages, etc. Pack up the car and head to the venue. Allow yourself at least a couple hours to set up and decorate. Keep all phone numbers and receipts in a folder and have them on you in case you need to contact anyone to open the facility, confirm delivery of balloons, etc. Grab a cold beverage or coffee, put on relaxing music, and enjoy decorating, setting up, etc. Set an alarm an hour before guests arrive freshen yourself up and most importantly, put on comfy shoes. You will be on your feet during the party, wear comfortable shoes!  

Take a deep breath, center your heart, and be mindful that these guests each have busy lives and could be doing a dozen other things with their time and they made it a priority to attend your child’s graduation party. Some guests might have traveled a distance and made arrangements to stay overnight, don’t lose sight of the real gifts, the loved ones, family, and friends who have gifted their time, their presence is invaluable. That being said remind your graduate that graduation season is a busy time and while guest try their best to attend be understanding and appreciative to those who have to extend their regrets and let them know that they will be missed. A graduation party is a celebration of the graduate and an opportunity to catch up with longtime friends, family, and loved ones. Maintain the peace and keep it a joy-filled event!  

One Week Post Party

Give your graduate some time to process all the festivities. Then have them start on those thank you notes! 

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