My New Year’s Resolutions for 2016 (cringe)

Since today is the first day back to our “regular” routine I consider today to be the first day of my New Year’s resolutions. Did you know you could do that? Why should January 1st have all the fun? I say we spread that lovin throughout the month, shoot, even the year, if need be. You officially have permission to begin your New Year’s resolutions whenever you would like, weight lifted, feel lighter?  (By weight I mean burden on your shoulders, not the weight you physically want to lose, you’re gonna still have to sweat a little for that one!).

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Here goes, the moment I have been dreading (cringing). I am not usually one to share my resolutions, that way if I don’t succeed no one knows, I thought it was genius but this year is going to be different, this year I am striving for success! Thus, I read somewhere that in order to stay true to your resolutions you should have an accountability partner, a person who knows what your resolutions, goals, etc. are and is there to support you in your efforts as well as be willing to call you out when you fall short. I figure who better to have as my accountability partner than you, my readers. If you see me slipping up, feel free to post a comment here, via Facebook, twitter, etc. I have thick skin, I can take it (kinda, well, don’t be too brutal). Thus, without further adieu, my resolutions for 2016……

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  1. Walk children to school at least once a week (there & back, gets me 2 miles, score!)
  2. Get to daily Mass at least once a week
  3. Take a Belly Dancing Lesson as a Ladies Night Out
  4. Introduce family to a new cuisine each week
  5. Redecorate the girls room
  6. Take 15 minutes of quiet time each day for peaceful reflection (remove the noise from the day)
  7. Volunteer once a month AS A FAMILY
  8. Do something that scares me a little each week, something outside my comfort zone

And exhale. Okay, there you have it folks, those are my resolutions. How did I arrive at these resolutions you may be asking? For that answer CLICK HERE (New Year’s Resolutions: like a kid in a candy store).

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Now it is your turn accountability partners, share your resolutions…..are you going to go for that new career this year? Lose that weight? Reconnect with a long lost soul? Read that book you have been dying to read? Revamp your wardrobe? This is killing me, I want to know! What’s going to be different about you at the end of 2016?