Remind and Inspire: AWESOME Christmas gift for moms!

Where joy & pain collide! As I stand here over tubs of clothing wailing like a crazy woman I’m reminded of the ever popular quote, “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”, which is often cited, by Dr. Seuss, and/or anonymous. I can tell you one thing; whoever it was, it was definitely a man because he never experienced the heartache of not expecting, & then finally expecting, sharing the good news, THE BEST news of your life with family & friends, & then blinking and it’s all over, they are grown, or worse, teenagers. And all you have left are the memories and tubs of clothing….the “Promoted to Big Sister” onesie that was SUPER hard to find for a 10-month-old, the “Big Brother” t-shirt proudly worn by my little 2-year-old, & the baby blanket each of my newborns came home with…I can practically smell the newborn smell & feel the exhaustion still embedded in the seams.


Seeing, feeling, smelling these articles of clothing and trying to part with them does not make me want to smile, Dr. Seuss. IT HURTS!! They are mine; each has such a special memory and deserves to be treasured for at least my lifetime, and hopefully my children’s, & possibly grandchildren’s’. Which is why I was beyond elated when I learned about Inspire and Remind! Check it….



Inspire and Remind allows you to freeze time and preserve memories of your favorite moments spent with your kids. The owner, Michelle, mixes modern fabrics with your loved one’s baby clothes, beloved blankies, treasured team t-shirts, and/or accessories to create a custom made, reusable journal. The cover of the journal is created to fit a standard sized composition book, so you can reuse it for many years to come, by simply replacing the notebook.  This is legit, the perfect gift for us mommas!!!



Your journal will be a reminder of the love and support you get from your biggest fan, so you can be inspired and encouraged to chase after your dreams.

Remind and Inspire has Gift cards available on their site. And while you are there be sure to check out the blog with ideas to create memorable moments with your kids.



Possible uses for the journal:

I use my journal to record my dreams, goals, and gratitude. Seeing a glimpse of my daughter’s clothing, in the journal, gave me the encouragement to follow through with my dream.


NEW MOMS!!! Are you looking for an easier way to document your baby’s milestones? If you are like me, you have a partially finished baby book with random months that has height, weight, and maybe first words recorded. When something memorable happens, with your child, grab your journal and record the date and what happened. It could be anything from how you felt driving them home from the hospital, their first steps, or how they mispronounce something. You’ll end up with a memorable keepsake made from your baby’s clothes.



Remind and Inspire

Phone Number: 419-340-8585



Promo:  Turn your favorite outfit, blanket or accessory into a daily reminder of some of your best moments spent with your kids! Use Promo Code: momonthego and receive 10% off your order.



My mom was my daughter’s biggest fan. She helped me in so many ways when I first became a mom. From watching my daughter, so I could take a break, to answering late night questions I had as a new mom.  At Christmas time, I would always try to come up with the perfect gift for her. If you’re looking for a gift that holds special meaning for your mom consider having a special outfit turned into a journal for her.


Want to find a gift that is perfect for your best friend’s baby shower? Give her a treasured keepsake she’ll have and use long after her baby is grown.