Tuesday’s Treasure: Enchanted Princess and Knight Birthday Party

For our daughter’s birthday she decided that she would like to have a Princess and Knight theme.  So we set out for the party invitation supplies and began planning an Enchanted Party.  We purchased all the invitation supplies at Hobby Lobby, came home, printed off the essential information, and she helped cut and paste the invitations. It was fun sitting down, just the two of us; the younger kiddos went to bed early.

The day before her party she helped by cleaning her room, putting toys away in the family room, and decorated (the timing  worked out nicely because she is working on earning a Girl Scout badge that requires these tasks). The day of her party she was up at 6am and ecstatic, there was no containing her enthusiasm, which was expected but can wear on mommy after the 50th time of asking, “Is it time for the party yet?”

It was finally time for guest to arrive.  As the Knights and Princess entered the Royal Castle she greeted them and requested that they partake in the activities set up in the kitchen.  There was jewelry for the Princesses to decorate and masks for the Knights. Once everyone arrived and had a few minutes to decorate their activity we began the first game.

The first game was Princess and the Frog.  The princess stood in the middle with a blindfold on and a Hershey’s kiss in her hand.  Each child was given a card with an animal picture on it and one card had an image of a frog.  Once all the children had their cards they were then instructed to make their animal’s sound.  So the princess had to listen carefully, through the mooing, neighing, barking, meowing, clucking, baaing, oinking, and quaking to hear the ribbit of the frog.  Once the princess heard the ribbit she needed to walk carefully over to the person and place the Hershey’s kiss in their hand, thus kissing the frog.

After the game the kiddos had a snack and we sang happy birthday.  For the snack we made heart-shaped PB & J, Rice Krispies Star shaped wands, graham crackers with strawberry cream cheese and strawberries, Crescent rolls with strawberries and preserves, and the crème de la crème , Chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting, silver sprinkles, and magical wands.

I was surprised how long the children lingered at the table, at past birthday parties eating was a five-minute or less process, but, they are getting older. They actually talked and hanged out at the table. While they fished eating I explained that Cinderella has lost her glass slipper and would appreciate their help locating it and as a reward she would have a treat for each child once it was located.

So they began Cinderella’s Slipper search.

Clue 1- It’s a clue that you want, a clue you expect, so look by the steps that lead to the deck.

Clue 2-You’ll have a clue to keep and hold, if you go to the place where food is kept cold.

Clue 3- Now quick as a wink, look by the kitchen sink.

Clue 4- As fast as you can, there’s no time to slouch. You’ll find your next clue by the living room couch.

Clue 5- A clue, a clue, now where can one be? I think there’s one hidden near the TV.

Once they entered the family room, where our television is, they located the slipper as well as their goody bags. Each Princess received a magical pink Princess wand and tiara, stickers, chap sticks, and candy.  The Knights received a Knight helmet, sword, stickers, chap sticks, and candy.

Then she opened her gifts and after gifts we took a few photographs of the kiddos all dressed as Princesses and Knights.  It was such a fun party and it seemed like all the children had a wonderful time, but most importantly, my Princesses had a blast.

Our toddler had a blast!

When her last guest went home she came up to me, gave me a great big hug, and thanked me for the bestest party.  My heart melted.

Special thanks to all the moms online, in playgroup, and my life who have shared their advice and suggestions for birthday parties (especially my mom, the queen of birthday parties) To Betty Crocker for making those cake mixes from a box.  To Rice Krispies for making those treats so darn versatile, I love them!  To my sister for helping with the food, watch the kiddos, clean-up, and giving up her Saturday afternoon to help her family, you are amazing Cambra. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank God for making us parents and allowing us to celebrate the joy that our daughter brings into our lives.