Indian Creek Petting Zoo

Witnessing your child interact up close with animals you don’t often come in contact results in lots of laughter, fun, and makes for some precious memories which is precisely what you get when you visit Indian Creek Petting Zoo. Indian Creek Petting Zoo is a walk-thru-zoo that offers up close viewing of exotic animals like Zebra, Camels, Emus, Wallabies, Lemurs, Donkeys, Sheep, Alpacas, Peacocks, and more! We thoroughly enjoyed our visit today. I thought it might be fun to share some pics that really highlight our experience, enjoy!

As we enter we are greeted by….

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And the children had fun guessing what was hiding in each cubby. (Look familiar to anyone? This used to be at the Toledo Zoo.)

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We continued on the path and the next stop was the Lemurs. Oh, I almost forgot, you have the option of purchasing a basket of food for the animals for $3, which is so worth it. I am glad we did because we were able to see this little contraption work, totally priceless!  On the pole is a rope, bucket, and pulley. The children place the food in the bucket and the Lemur pulled it back. It was seriously the cutest watching his tinny paws at work and listening to the children giggle.

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We finally pulled ourselves away from the Lemurs and headed to see the…

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The Peacocks were stunning! And then the real fun occurred. We got to feed the CAMELS!

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They were so slobbery, gentle, and cute! They basically licked the food right off the children’s hands. (To all the germaphobes, myself included, do not fear, we used sanitizer afterward).

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Then we thought it might be fun to get pics of each of us with our children near one of the camel….it sounded like a good idea. Haha! She wasn’t in any immediate danger so I took the pic, glad I did. LOL!


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Let’s just say there was definitely no shortage of laughter. I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids.

I tried to get a pic of me with the kiddos and the camel but between the camel and the 3 year old indecisiveness the camel won. Haha!


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Then we were off to see and feed the….


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And then we looked at the Zebra, but dare not touch. Apparently they bite, bummer!


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Then we stopped for a photo op…who doesn’t love these!?


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On our way back towards the entrance we stopped into the bunny path….isn’t this adorable? I Hop. Haha!


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And I have a dozen more pics that I won’t bore you with…bottom line, we had a magnificent time and would totally go back! I can’t think of a better way to spend the day with the kiddos. For more info be sure to checkout the Indian Creek Petting Zoo Facebook page, like, and share!


When was the last time you visited a petting zoo? Have you been to one with your children? How did they like it?