Perfect Tactical Gifts for the Military Veteran in Your Life

You can honor military veterans in many ways. One of the best ways to show your gratitude is through gift-giving. You can find the right gift here in our list of the perfect tactical gifts for the military veteran in your life. From backpacks to survivor tools, you’ll find the ideal present for your beloved veteran!

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Giveaway: Perfect Christmas Gifts (or stocking stuffer) for Girls and Kids!

My latest obsessions, headbands & literary classics! Headbands because I adore a little something that makes it look like I actually tried to do my hair, lol! It doesn’t get any better than a messy bun and a headband. headbands

And literary classics, the kiddos and I have decided that from now on in the evenings, in addition to saying the Rosary we will be reading a chapter or two out of a classic book that has also been made into a movie. Thus, once we have finished reading said book we can have a family movie night and then discuss how the book and movie differed.


I am happy to state that we followed through and our first book we completed was The Little Prince. Last Friday we watched the movie and then discussed the similarities and differences once everyone stopped crying, yes, it was that good! As my son stated, in-between tears, “that was the best book and movie I have ever heard and seen”. I am not going to lie, that put a huge smile on this momma’s face.

Our next book, Treasure Island….



And check this out, in addition to the book and movie combo, Marzipantz Knit & Crochet Dolls has this adorable Pete the Pirate Doll that would be the perfect addition!!


This is why Marzipantz Knit & Crochet Dolls shop is my pick for the perfect Christmas Gifts (or add on/stocking stuffer) for girls and kids!

Total disclosure, I have already purchased one of Marzipantz dolls, Saint Kateri for my daughter’s birthday and it is absolutely adorable!!! I am such a sucker for a book, movie, doll combination for kiddo’s birthdays and Christmas gifts.



How lucky am I to have found a store that feeds both my obsessions, headbands & literary characters?

Luck was meant to be shared! 😉


Marzipantz Knit & Crochet dolls is giving away one of their awesome headbands (winner picks which one)!  You can keep it all for yourself or use it as a Christmas gift, your choice…all you have to do to be entered to win is:


1.Give Marzipantz shop some Facebook & love,    & Instagram love

2. Share this post with a Facebook Friend.

3. Checkout the shop here, and comment below sharing what your favorite item is in the shop

Winner will be randomly selected Monday the 28th

Good Luck!

The Best Moms in the World buy these….they are the Coolest!!

Move over June Clever, out of my way Donna Reed, hasta la vista Beverly Goldberg! It is official folks; I am the Best Mom in the World!! I so graciously accepted the title from my preschooler this afternoon. So how does one earn the title, Best Mom in the World? Give the children unlimited screen time? Let them buy whatever they want down the toy isle? Spoon feed them ice cream for breakfast?

This might surprise you but earning the Best Mom in the World title doesn’t’ require bribing them with screen time, sugar, or toys! So what does it take? A book! That’s right, it is that simple, a book. But not any ordinary book, this book is extra special! This book makes your child the star! And let’s be honest, there is nothing cooler than being the main character of the book when you are a toddler/preschooler.

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Thus, when I sat down with my little Maddy Grace to read a book today I shocked her when she found out she was the lead, the star, in the spotlight throughout the story. “Mommy, that’s my name!!” she exclaimed when I read the title, Maddy Grace and The Magic Shoes. And then when I started reading she literally shrieked with pure elation when she realized the book was about her!!

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“Read it again! Read it again, mommy!” she requested before I even finished reading the last page.


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“Mommy, can I take this to school for the sharing bag? I want to show all my friends the book about me”.

Then, after we read it three times she said it, “You are the Best Mom in the World”. Swoon! Seriously my heart melted as she squeezed me and gave me a big kiss.

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I almost felt guilty. Guilty because it was effortless on my part, it wasn’t like I wrote the book or illustrated the pages. I literally only had to answer 3 questions & ordered the book that was the extent of my work. Not too terribly exhausting at all…kinda feeling a tad guilty for accepting the title now, kinda! Ha-ha!

I have officially located my ‘go-to’ congrats on the new baby and birthday present for all the little tots and preschoolers in my life. Why not shoot for some more titles, Best Godmother, Aunt, Neighbor, etc. Kids NEVER forget the adult who gave them a book about themselves, where they are the stars!

They offer books of various interests for boys and girls. And like I said, it is super easy…talk about a huge return on your investment! Simply click on the image below to get started.


 Happy Reading! Cheers!