Conversations with the Kids

Parenthood is demanding, exhausting, amazing, fulfilling, messy, and if you’re lucky from time-to-time you will be graced with some humor. So without further ado, here are a few conversations that I have had over the past week with the kiddos that had me laughing out loud (I am pretty sure that is the first time I actually typed that entire phrase). Lol!

Conversation with our 2nd grader in the kitchen having an after school snack with her sister…..

2nd grader: Mom, do you want to hear something funny?

Me: Always!

2nd grader: It might be a little inappropriate.  I just need to warn you of that first. I don’t want you to get in trouble.

Me: Thank you for warning me. That was very considerate of you. I will try not to get myself in trouble with myself!?

2nd grader: Yep, I am a considerate person. Okay. Mom, say ‘I’ and then spell cup.

Me: I C U P

3 years old: That’s okay. I see you pee all the time mommy.

Meanwhile our 2nd grader is laughing hysterically and the 3 year old has no idea why that was remotely funny…she sees everyone pee. Haha!



The kiddos and I went to Target to get a gift for a Wedding Shower. We went to print off the registry then planned on making a mad dash to the restrooms…that Starbucks Venti Green Tea might have been a bad idea!

Kindergartener: Mom can I do the computer?

3 year old: I can do it! She exclaimed while hitting random keys

2nd grader: Mom I know how to do this.

Me: It is Max’s turn.

Kindergartener: what do I do?

Me: Start by hitting any key.

Kindergartener/Max looks frantically up and down the keyboard.

Me: Just hit any key! (Now crossing my legs)

Kindergartener: I can’t find it.

2nd grader: Just hit any of them.

Kindergartener: I can’t find any!

2nd grader: Just hit any of the keys. There is no any key.

Kindergartener/Max: If there is no any key why do they want me to hit it? He declared with much frustration.

Me: Lol! I have to pee. Let’s pee then we will find that darn any key.


funny quotes children your ecards

She did NOT just say that!!!……….

While dining at a local establishment I took our youngest to the restroom 3 times (is it sad that that seems normal? haha!). By our 3rd visit I had to go too. So I went. And while I was going she yelled, loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear, “Mom you have a BIG butt!” Lol! I could hear the woman in the next stall trying to contain her laughter. Haha!


b50648d8160e1bef35aaaeccf9158184What has your little one said that had you lol?

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